Chapter 13

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Marina decided to spend the afternoon visiting the boat, Cate and her crew were busy checking that the boat was intact. She went downstairs to the lower deck of the boat, where the cabins were. Cate was the only one with a cabin upstairs. She checked around her that no one was there before entering the first bedroom, Sienna's. It was quite simple in brown and gray tones. It was spacious enough and filled with weapons and blueprints to build them. The one next to it was Scarlett's, it was much more extravagant and filled with stones and jars of all colors. She found more books on witchcraft which scared her a little, she closed the door behind her. Across from Scarlett's room was Abigail's. It was similar to Sienna's, simple and in brown and gray tones. Quite boring according to Marina, it didn't resemble Abi's personality. Marina finally entered the last room, across from Sienna's bedroom. Sasha's room was just as fascinating as Scarlett's room, but in a whole different way. Sheets of all colors hung from the ceiling and created a sort of cabin above her bed. They room looked like a children's room filled with colors and books. On the walls were drawings and paintings depicting faces, men, animals and many other creatures. Marina let her fingers wander the walls in awe.

"- Do you like my drawings?"

Trixie jumped in fear before catching her breath when she saw it was Sasha.

"- Are you alright Marina ? Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
- Yes... Sorry to have entered your room, I...
- Don't worry, I don't mind. I am proud of my drawings.
- This is so beautiful...
- Thank you, it's rare that people like you find them beautiful.
- People like me?
- Yes... You understand what i mean.
- No i don't.
- People from... Your class, you all tend to judge people like me and the arts that people like me do.
- We're not all like that, my friend Kameron, I'm sure she would love it.
- Unfortunately you are not the majority. "

Sasha pushed her sheets back and sat down on her bed, urging Marina to do the same.

"- Good to have you here... See new people.
- Really ?
- Yes, I love the people on this boat but it's good to see other people love and understand who we are. Even though I didn't expect you to be homosexual.
- Homosexual?
- You like women ? Right ?
- No ! I love men and I am going to marry a king. Loving women is... It's not normal. "

Sasha sighed.

"- My poor Marina... Stuck in a joyless world.
- I like men and that makes me very happy.
- Do you think I didn't notice how you look at Cate ?
- Cate is my friend, nothing more. "

Sasha smiled and let a chuckle escape her lips.

"- Honey, don't be afraid to be who you are. It's when you will be who you are and love who you are that you will begin to live for real.
- Sasha...
- What is the moment when you felt the most alive? "

Marina thought about Cate, her breath on her neck and her lips on her body. She thought of her lips and their mingling breaths. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"- Sasha...
- Yes ?
- I can't... It's not possible.
- You don't choose to be who you are. I never chose to feel what I feel and I always wanted to forget it. I always wanted to change. And yet it was the day where Sienna started to say They that I felt myself happy and myself for the first time
- I can't Sasha... Why is this happening to me. Why am I like this. "

Sasha put her hands on Marina's cheeks and wiped her tears away with her thumbs.

"- Your difference is a gift. Every feeling you feel makes you who you are. Embrace what you feel, embrace your differences.
- I don't think I can.
- You're stronger than you think Marina.
- I think I like Cate.
- And I think she loves you too.
- But I can't... What will my family think...
- Your family isn't here. Take this boat as your refuge. Be who you want to be here and put your mask back on to protect yourself when you get home. Embrace her, tell her you love her and live the life you always wanted to live because when life gives you a chance it rarely gives you a second.
- I don't know if I would have the courage to do it.
- I know you have it, I can feel it.
- I do not know what to say.
- Cate is in her cabin, go ahead before she joins Scarlett. "

Marina stood up and gave Sasha one last look before running to the pirate's cabin.

heyy i just wanted to remember you that english is not my native language so i'm sorry if i make mistakes :)

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