Gaiden 55.5 (Aimed Target)

Start from the beginning

[Oh, so you're planning to show yourself right now, huh? How brave of you. Too bad I'm still burning this forest and you're going down with it!]

Is he impatient or an idiot? I don't know if reasoning with him may work, but I know I won't change his mind with words. Knowing Wind and Arthur, they might face this level of idiocy with the other two. Heck, I can say that even Arthur is smarter than these dumbasses. With that thought out, I quickly get up and run away from my hiding place. Of course, I have to make sure that the idiot notices me, so I shoot him again (which this time, I purposely miss my shot and let it miss on the ground) before I transfer to another large vine for me to hide in. After that, I fire a few more shots, some of which managed to hit the bandit's limbs and shoulder and dash off to one of the few rocks. Normally, I would have exhausted myself after a few minutes of running around the field, but thanks to virtual reality, I manage to continue running for a few more minutes. However, it doesn't mean I have high stamina in terms of stats comparing to Arthur and Wind. That's why I have another alternative.

"Spirit of Sylph, I ask for your aid. Grant me the power of the wind to outrun and defeat my opponents. [Bluster Speed]."

Even if it is just a whisper, it should be enough to invoke that spell. And true enough, I find myself enveloped in a burst of wind as I rush around the field, trying to hide in other vines and shooting him at the same time. Just a little more. If he gets to my desired location, then...


"They're getting closer!"

I gritted my teeth as Wolf and I ran through the forest and looking back, I saw two of the opposing team's members right behind us as the remaining was eliminated thanks to the latter.

"No shit, Sherlock," I groaned as I kept running. "But don't panic. We're almost there! All that's left is to manipulate their perception."

"Manipulate their perception? What the hell are you talking about?! Can't you see this is not a good time to talk some nerdy stuff?!"

I sighed in annoyance. "Just trust me. Get to the other direction, I'll do something about them in case one of them plans to chase me down."

"Tch... Well, you're our ace, after all, Eagle. Don't you dare lose on us!"

Like I'm gonna let those jerks kill me in this game. Besides, they were already in my desired spot, which meant our win was inevitable.



What the hell?! I turn to see that the bandits have started throwing bombs at me. It doesn't hurt me, but it does chip off some of my [HP] when the shards from the bombs graze my skin. But that's not the only thing he has as I notice that he's also thrown some kind of Molotov cocktails randomly at me, causing most of the trees to catch on fire. It's official, this guy is insane! However, it's already too late as he reaches the darkest area of the field, which means my win is inevitable.

[What's the matter, brat?! Are you giving up already?!] I stop and turn to the bandit, who raises his bottles of Molotov cocktails in the air, grinning madly as he stares at me. [Don't worry. As soon as you're out of the way and my boss takes care of the lady and that fake knight back at the entrance, we'll just burn the forest away and grab all of the loot here along with your fancy [Magic Pistol]!]

I stop running and stood in front of the bandit. As much as I want to give him my starter pistol, there is no way I'm letting him win. However, I grin in response as I raise my pistol near my head. "On the contrary, sir, I believe you should be the one who should give up after I'm done with you."

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