Log 1: Entities

657 15 1

Log date 6/1/22

Hello once again. As I have stated, I will be writing about some of the entities I and others have witnessed in the backrooms, as well as some things about level 0 (I will be referring to rooms simply as lvl 0, 1, 2 etc. as a way to save time).

There are not too many entities here in lvl 0, as it is seen as a starting level to most. I myself have not ventured out of lvl 0, but clock has stated that the group had been to lvl 1 during the 'incident'. When I questioned him further on this 'incident', he simply walked away. I can only assume this is the same thing Bubble brought up while explaining Books loner behaviours. I did try to ask around to get some more information, but Bubble once again reminded me that it was a touchy subject matter and told me to simply 'leave it be'. I will eventually figure out what exactly happened, I'm sure of that. It's only a matter of time till the beans are spilt.

Anyway, back to the topics of entities. Most of the creatures that lurk in the backrooms resemble other object, but usually mutated or disfigured in some way, as well as being quite hostile.

One of theses said creatures are facelings. Facelings resemble the average object, though they are lacking in facial features. The ones that reside on lvl 0 are what I've heard to be called 'Adult Facelings'. They are docile until provoked. I have also been informed of child facelings, similar to the adults but much more violent and dangerous. They aren't as common,  but still a threat.

Hounds are another, more violent beast that I have actually encountered. The resemble more mammal like creature, running around with ease on all fours. You can escape these things relatively easily, by simply backing away slowly while keeping an eye on the creature. If it attacks, run.

Howlers are frequently heard, but never seen. Their howls echo through the backrooms on occasion and if you hear one, go the other way. They are rumoured to be similar in appearance to hounds, though none of these have been confirmed.

As for lvl 0 itself, not much is special about is, other than it's eerie nature. The walls are an off yellow and the floors are covered with a rough musky carpet. Mould can occasionally be spotted on the walls and floor of some rooms. The only sounds are the hums of the yellow lights above as you trudge further and further looking for a way out and if you hear anything else, it's unlikely to be friendly.

There are other colonies that we trade with for supplies and what not, though I know very little about them and their where about. There is no safe way out of the backrooms aside form the darker clipped walls, but you could easily just be thrown back at the start or even deeper down into the unexplored levels of the backrooms. I have noticed that some of the ceilings are also clipped, but I have been warned by Fries that they are not at all a way out and should be avoided at all costs.

I would like to eventually explore the other floors, as lvl 0 can grow boring and repetitive(obviously) and I would love to see what else I can find out and document in this journal, but the group I reside in has made it clear n we will not be leaving lvl 0 any time soon. Perhaps I can explore by myself at some point. It's not like there is an exit just readily accessible to us so why not look for one.n Sure clipping through the walls is a possibility, but is a gamble that I don't really wanna take. Anyway, that's all for now.


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