Stay Put

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Luigi had gone out of the house for that day, spending a lot of time browsing stores, and having an admittedly late lunch at a café. Soon enough, he checks the time to see it's 4:45 AM. It seemed like he was out for less time, for him, at least, but clearly he was away from home for some time.
He returned home, taking a deep breath. All seems well.
He lounged around for some time, allowing himself to ignore the world around him for a while.
Then, anxiety grabbed him again.
But why? He was so sure it was okay now. He didn't even see the Chaos Heart outside.
He sighed, standing up. Apparently, he had to prove to his own damn self there was nothing to worry about again.
He opened the basement door and looked around.
See? He thought, aiming his words at his internal fears, Everything's fine, look, it's not he-
Wait, what the fu...
Even in his own thoughts, Luigi was too bewildered to finish his sentence.
There was the Chaos Heart, sitting in the basement as if he never disposed of it.
Someone had to have put it back, right?
No, no, that's ridiculous. That can't be. Could this entity have moved itself?
He closed the door, worried. What is he supposed to do?
Maybe he can call Mario, he'll probably have an idea of what to do, at least a better one than he could think of on his own.
He returned to the living room, picking up his phone.
He turned it on and went to call him, only to notice that, suddenly, the service cut out.
That's... weird...
He thought, realizing he now can't send him any message to ask for help.
He'll just go back out then. It's fine, right?
He approached the painted wood door, but when he unlocked the door and turned the handle, it still won't open, try as he might. Luigi began to panic, but only a bit.
He went to a window to try escaping that way. It only opened enough to let in some fresh air, but no more than that.
Luigi even lifted a chair and attempted to break the window. That had to work, right?
No, the glass had inexplicably become much, much stronger. Luigi broke into a cold sweat. He was trapped inside his own home, unable to call for help.
Something wants him to stay, and now he's dreading having to learn why that is.

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