Chapter 8

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Your POV

You hold your breath, and the panic starts rising. Hiro quickly unbuckles himself, then grabs your hand. Suddenly, Baymax grabs everyone and floats to the surface. As everyone emerges from the water, you gasp and cough for air aggressively. "I told you we'd make it!" Honey croaks out happily. Hiro rubs your back, while you breathe heavily.

"Your injuries require my attention," Baymax says. "And your body temperatures are low."

"We should get out of here," Hiro suggests.

"I know a place," Fred smirks.


You walk down the street with the gang, all of you shivering violently. Hiro was kind enough to lend you his jacket, but you're still feeling guilty about it. "Hiro, are you sure you don't want your jacket back?" you ask.

"Yes, [Y/N], for the thousandth time, I am sure," Hiro says.

"If you say so..." you mumble. You take advantage of the situation, and hug Hiro's jacket close to you. Fred turns a corner, and you see a giant, luxurious mansion in front of you. "Fred," Hiro whispers. "Wh-Where are you going?"

"Oh," Fred laughs. "Welcome to mi casa! That's French for 'front door'."

"It's really... not," Honey winces.

"Listen, nitwit," Go Go scowls. "A lunatic in a mask just tried to kill us. I'm not in the mood for any-" The door suddenly opens, and a man in a black suit steps out.

"Welcome home, Master Fredrick," the man says.

"Heathcliff, my man!" Fred exclaims. Your mouth gapes open in shock. "Come on in, guys. We'll be safe in here." Fred fist bumps Heathcliff, and walks in. You follow the rest of the gang in, nodding as you pass Heathcliff. The main entrance is red, with a giant staircase leading to the second floor. Paintings are scattered across the walls, and there is another room that just has paintings down the hallway. "Freddie," Honey Lemon calls, "this is your house?"

"I thought you lived under a bridge," Go Go says, as you stifle a laugh.

"Well, technically it belongs to my parents," Fred says, pointing to a painting with him and his parents in it. "They're on a vacay on the family island. You know, we should totally go some time. Frolic." He claps twice, which makes a door in front of you slide open. You step into the room, to see superhero figurines, and life-sized monsters. A few things are hanging from the ceiling; it's like you're in a museum. "You gotta be kidding me," Go Go breathes out.

"If I wasn't just attacked by a guy in a kabuki mask, I think this would be the weirdest thing I've seen all day," Wasabi points out, staring at a photo of a buff Fred sitting on a snow tiger with wings. "My brain hates my eyes for seeing this." Hiro sits down, grabbing a pencil and draws. You grab a chair and sit next to him.

"Your body temperatures are still low," Baymax says from behind you.

"Yeah, uh huh," Hiro monotones. You suddenly feel warmth on your back. You turn your head around, and see that Baymax is laying on top of you and Hiro. His stomach is a shade of orange, indicating warmth. You sigh with relief, flopping your head down onto the table. Hiro chuckles and shakes his head, then pats your back softly. You hear Fred sigh, "It's like spooning a warm marshmallow."

"Hmm, it's so nice," Honey agrees, hugging Baymax.

"Oh yeah, ah, that's toasty," Wasabi joins in.

"Good robot," Go Go adds, stretching and leaning on Baymax. Hiro finishes his drawing, and examines it. You lift your head as he moves his arm around you, showing the photo to the gang. "Does this symbol mean anything to you guys?" he asks.

"Yes! It's a bird!" Fred says.

"No," Hiro sighs. "The guy in the mask was carrying something with this symbol on it."

"Apprehending the man in the mask will improve Hiro's emotional state," Baymax states, getting up.

"Apprehend him?" Go Go echoes. "We don't even know who he is."

"I have a theory!" Fred announces.


All of you are seated on a couch, facing a T.V. You've all been given a comic book by Fred, but you've no idea why. "'Dr. Slaughter, MD'?" Wasabi reads.

"Actually, millionaire weapons designer Malcolm Chazzletick," Fred corrects.

"Interesting name," you say.

"'The Annihilator'?" Hiro asks, holding one of the ends of the book while you hold the other.

"Behind the mask, industrialist Reid Axworthy," Fred says.

"'Baron von Destruct'? Oh, just get to the point!" Go Go groans.

"Don't you guys get it?" Fred wonders. "The man in the mask who attacked us is none other than..." He switches on the T.V, to reveal Alistair Krei, the man you met at the showcase. "Voilà! Alistair Krei."

"What?" you and Hiro chorus.

"Think about it," Fred says. "Krei wanted your microbots, and you said no. But rules don't apply to a man like Krei." You have to admit, Fred's theory isn't that bad. The evidence makes sense.

"There's no way," Hiro disagrees. "The guy is too high profile."

"Then who was that guy in the mask?" Honey asks nervously.

"I... I don't know," Hiro stammers. "We don't know anything about him."

"His blood type is AB-negative," Baymax interjects. You look back at Baymax with wide eyes, and a wide smile. "Cholesterol levels are-"

"Baymax!" Hiro chimes in. "You scanned him?"

"I am programmed to assess everyone's healthcare needs," Baymax explains.

"Yes!" Hiro laughs victoriously. "I can use the data from your scan to find him."

"Uh, you'd have to scan everyone in San Fransokyo," you point out.

"And that might take, I don't know, forever," Go Go adds.

"No, no, no, no," Hiro rambles. "I... I just have to look for another angle. Got it!" You sigh, remembering what Tadashi said to Hiro. "Look for a new angle." His voice is always lingering in your head. "I'll scan the whole city at the same time," Hiro says.

"What...?" you quiz.

"Bare with me, [Y/N]. I just have to upgrade Baymax's sensor," Hiro says. He looks up at the superhero figurines in front of him, grinning. "Actually, if we're gonna catch this guy, I need to upgrade all of you."

"Upgrade who now?" Wasabi asks.

"Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones," Baymax instructs.

"Oh okay, I like where this is heading!" Fred laughs.

"We can't go against that guy! We're nerds!" Wasabi reasons. You clear your throat. "Sorry, [Y/N]."

"It's alright," you shrug.

"Hiro, we want to help," Honey says, "but we're just... us."

"No," Hiro disagrees. "You can be way more."

"Tadashi Hamada was our best friend," Go Go says. "We're in."

"[Y/N]?" Hiro asks.

"Fine, I'm in," you sigh, smiling.

"Can you feel it?" Fred laughs some more. "You guys, do you feel this? Our origin story begins. We're gonna be superheroes!" You stare at a painting of seven heroes, smiling.

I can't believe I'm doing this. 

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