"Hey your here for the job interview right?" she asked sweetly. "Yup now is it with you or the boss?" I said confused. "It's with me but I already know you too well to have a interview on what you can and can't do" she said. "Soo...." I said quivering. "You officially have this job, you may work at the cashier" she smiled proudly. I got so excited I hugged here to death.

As I let go I saw Hayden helping this elderly women. Awww that's looks soo cute. I turned to Atlantic and asked her when do I start. Gladly it landed on the perfect day 'Monday' (not) but, who cares I least I get paid and I'm working with people I know. Some. Some I mean two

I walked around Aeropastale. Compare to other Aeropastale's this Aero was big. I kept walking trying to find Luke but, no sign. I really didn't care if I lost or found him. He was the one who wanted to come.

"Hey" I heard a voice behind me. I spuned around and saw Hayden right in front of me. I'm going to have a seizure right now. His beatiful blue-ish slash green-ish eyes reflected off the Aeropastale's lights. "H-hi" I said shyly. Great Lois great way to say hi. "So I heard you 'officially' got the job" he said. "Yup I did" I said now all jumpy. He opened his arms for a hug. With no hesitation I gave him a big hug.

We let go and I told him when I will start.

Minutes passed by and I told Hayden and Atlantic that I was going back home. I went outside and I didn't spot Luke anywhere. I even went to his truck and no one. I called him five trillion times and nothing.

I decided hours later to walk home. Yes hours with an s' at the end. It was already 8pm and I was starving. I walked passed by restaurants but I refuse to go inside I just couldn't waste my money. I have food home.

I made it to my house. I dropped my keys down on the mini table right next to my door. I flopped on the couch and I was just soo stressed and hungry. I got up and walked up stairs. I slipped my pj's on and went running downstairs.

I cooked myself some chicken and rice. I sat down on my huge couch and started flicking through Netflix. I found Sofia the First and I clicked on it. Don't judge. I heard a big thumping sound on my door. I turned in fear and slowly I got up heading to the door. I opened it and saw Luke's eyes with anger.

"WHAT THE FREAK LOIS, WHY DID YOU LEAVE!" he yelled slamming the door behind him. I flinched a little but I didn't put my guard down. "Luke I've been calling you and calling you and looking for you everywhere. I waited by your car and you never came did I mind you I STAYED THERE FOR HOURS!" I yelled back at him. His eye's grew wider and bigger in anger. "LOIS MY PHONE DIED AND I WAS WAITING FOR YOU IN AEROPASTALE!" he yelled. My face turned so red it was hotter than the sun. "WHO DOESN'T CHARGE THERE PHONE BEFORE THEY LEAVE AND BESIDES I WAS WALKING AROUND THE STORE SO MANY TIMES!" I yelled in frustration.

Luke's breathing was hader and harder. "LOIS IT JUST DIED OK? AND YOU SHOULD BE SMART ENOUGH NOT TO LEAVE THE STORE AND GO WAIT FOR ME OUTSIDE" he yelled. "OH SO YOUR CALLING ME THE DUMB ONE" I yelled making my hand form a fist. "YES I AM. YOU ARE ONE STUPID GIRL" he yelled.

That's when I remembered when I use to get bullied. The kids use to call me 'stupid girl, weirdo, rumpleskilskin'. My face turned cold and I can feel a tear forming. Luke immediately noticed and his eyes softened. "Lois...." he said softly. I turned around and started speed walking. Until Luke grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"Lois I didn't mean to call you that" he said. I kept my head down making sure he doesn't see my tears. Obviously he did because it fell on his foot. Luke put his arms around me and started hugging me. "I'm sorry, I'm super sorry. I shouldn't be mad at you it's not your fault. Please Lois stop crying. I'm soooo sorry" he kept saying that. Over and over. But just the thought of hearing that word again 'stupid girl' really got my soft spot. Hard.

Luke was still hugging me and it's already 11 at night. "Lois please forgive I promise I will never ever say that to you again. Talk to me anything" he said softy. He finally let go and I tilt my head up. His eyes got wider and 'sorry' filled in them. "LOIS talk to me. What happened?" he asked.

"I use to get bullied....Luke" I sobbed.


Author's note


Yes I know I do that a lot. Well thanks for reading. Also I'm soo glad I have over 600 views. I know I know you might be thinking that's nothing but, I'm very shocked cause this is my first book soooo.....hope you guys really like it. And OMG LOIS USE TO GET BULLIED. Find out next chapter. And who do you ship Lukis, hayeis or jakis. Yea I'm bad at shipping names together. I'm going to do this again...ok. Luke and Lois. Hayden and Lois. Or Jake and Lois. Put in the comments and don't forget to vote. Thanks again. Byeee✌

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