(VIII) Water

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"Honorable Mayor, we've prepared a solid defense for the Avatar. We did an investigation and found some very strong evidence," Katara speaks directly to the mayor, as we stand before Aang on the other side of his cell.

"Evidence? Hmph! That's not how our court system works."

"Then how can I prove my innocence?" Aang retorts with a frown.

"Simple. I say what happened, then you say what happened, and then I decide who's right," as the mayor explains this to us, we all let out a gasp in unison. "That's why we call it justice. Because it's 'just us.'"

"Then what's the point of a trial? Why don't you just sentence him directly?" I question, making my three friends look at me as if I were insane.

"Because that way you can't say you didn't have a chance."


I'm not going to lie, I didn't sleep at all last night. It was pretty obvious that there was no wining this trial, but also, I know better than to think Aang will just run away from this situation. He really wants to do this the right way, to get some support to be the Avatar he needs to be. I get it. But we still have bigger things to worry about, and we've wasted too much time here.

The trial begins relatively early. Some guard guides Aang toward the center of the plaza in front of the temple, while the mayor stands beside him and prepares to give the audience his opening statements.

"Everyone loved Chin the Great because he was so great. Then the Avatar showed up and killed him, and that's how it happened."

Wow. That was almost too simple. I can't lie, I am totally freaking out. If this guy's set on Aang being the bad guy so badly, the fact that he's also the one deciding whether or not he's innocent only makes it seem even more impossible tog et out of this one.

Aang takes the stage right after, looking slightly flustered. Sokka is the first to show his support from our seats. "You can do it, Aang. Just remember the evidence."

"Right... evidence. Ladies and gentlemen... I'm about to tell you what really happened. And I will prove it with facts. Fact number one. Uhhh..."

The confused look on his face makes me sigh heavily and shake my head. "We're doomed."

"The footprint!" Sokka whispers loudly.

"Oh, yeah. You see... I have very large feet. Furthermore... your temple matches your statue. But... I was in a painting at sunset. So, there you have it, I'm not guilty."

I briefly glance at the unimpressed crowd around us, and sigh once again. "We're doomed aren't we?"

Sokka simply nods. "Yep. Pretty much."

"Wait," Katara takes a stand, and walks towards Aang. I decide to follow, just in case she's attempting to escape. "Mayor Tong, I'd like for the court to hear one last testimony."

"I've already told you, it's just me and the accused. You can't call any witnesses!"

"This isn't just any witness. I'm going to call... Avatar Kyoshi herself!"

I widen my eyes and gasp along with the surprised crowd. I lean towards her and raise an eyebrow. "And just how are you planning to bring an Avatar that's been dead for centuries?!"

"Well..." before she can reply, Aang comes back out from the inside of the temple, wearing a Kyoshi warrior's full face of makeup and the rest of her matching outfit, although it looks gigantic on him. "She is Aang's past life. Maybe wearing her stuff will trigger something."

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