"Everyone practically has their each and own death eater to watch their every move. The dark lord plots and plans as we speak, for now we are caged in." She spoke hopelessly.

"Well, that is whoever is left, someone had already lost at the hand for simply thinking they can outsmart." 

Hermione felt her chest close up, her stomach ache in agony, and her head spin for miles. Her breathing fell out of place, whilst the words struggled to form. "Who?" 

"Neville, he tried quite a few times, yet they had enough. All of us thought you had escaped, never crossed my mind they threw you in the cells." 

 "You don't know much of what's going on do you?" 

Hermione moves her head in no.

"These death eaters, their whispers are far too loud. After the dark lord got his reign, we all assumed he would gather whom he desired to work for him. Yet he has far more complex plans, he truly won't rest till he is undefeatable. He wants every last Horcrux in his possession, this ensures he shall stand for good." 

Pomfrey's look intensified and read discomfort at the recognition of her own words.

Hermione's face changed in confusion. The Horcruxes? She was almost certain she and the rest retrieved them, then again the dark lord still stood, and her memory were to be unreliable. Yet she still tried to recall the past events of her position with aiding the help of trying to defeat the dark lord. Her head clouded--spun, she couldn't remember anything for certain.

"We never found them? Me, Ron--Harry, we all looked for them--we all tried--"

"Yes, well I am sure you did, yet you didn't retrieve them."

"Hermione, the dark lord knew of you and the rests expedition to access the very objects in needs to kill him. Do not think for a second that he won't be eager to get a word in with the very person who dug the deepest to find those items." 

None of this clicked in Hermione's mind. Why would the very person who created the Horcruxes want to speak to the ones who merely got close? He must have known where they were himself.

"Madame Pomfrey, that doesn't make any sense. If he wanted to obtain the Horcruxes surely he knows where they lie." Hermione spoke in a slight louder whisper, whilst she still kept it down and her guard up.

"It seems that way, yet if what these guards that surround speak the truth, then the dark lord was never the one who physically hid them." Hermione tried to piece the words, yet they were still hard to hear.

"He made them, of course he hid them." Hermione said with confidence in her statement.

"Hermione, he ordered a different death eater to hide each Horcrux. He had all these workers and you truly think he wouldn't use them every second of every day? Of course he would, that way it was harder to retrieve each one, they were all in completely different spots, hidden by entirely different people." 

Pomfrey looked worried, as Hermione's expression grew concerning by the minute.

"Thats why they are letting everyone including you out from the dungeons, he will with no doubt enslave most--yet any who withholds useful information will be wanted upon his request. They now order me to check you're mental and physical stability to ensure you're use."

Hermione grew nauseous, whilst Pomfrey looked as if tears were about to erupt. 

"I thought this were to be over, yet I fear it has just begun." Said Pomfrey helplessly.

Hermione sat in disturbing silence for just a mere moment, as she felt slightly in shock. It was always horrible before, yet it was a worsened nightmare come to life. 

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