Teruteru x Lilly: Chapter 1 ♥

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(Note: There is no killing game, like in school/island mode. I may write separate stories where Lilly ends up there during the killing game, but not right now. Please try to enjoy the story!)

It was around 3:00 or so in the morning, and Lilly was ready to go about taking her new ship for a test drive. She yet again wrote a note as to where she was going, and placed it on the counter, just as usual. She grabbed the stuff she thought she would need just in case anything went awry. Clothes, food, even a pillow and blanket, as well as everything that was already in her bag.
Upon finishing packing her bag, she put on some clothes and shoes, and set off. After 15 or so minutes of walking, she reached the student ship parking lot. The dark blues and purples of the night sky were somewhat intimidating. She pulled the key out of her pocket and looked at the number on it. She said to herself "386." She repeated that in her head several times. She finally found the ship with the corresponding number in a surprisingly short time. Lilly thought it would take forever to find because the way the ships were arranged was chaotic and random. She found the door, unlocked it, and carried herself and her bag inside.
Surprisingly, the ship was like a small house, bed, kitchen, table and all. There was even a window! Opposite of the door, there was a control panel, and a bunch of buttons, levers, and a nice steering wheel-stick combination that even Lilly thought was odd. But other than brief brainwave acknowledgement, there was no other fuss about how weird that was.
Lilly finally remembered what she was planning on doing, and grabbed her Ship Driving Manual, went over to the permanently mounted spinning captain's chair and sat in it. She read through, and found a page on how to put the key into ignition silently. She did as the book said, and felt the ignition start. 'They weren't kidding about the silent part.' She thought as she flipped through the pages of her manual, trying to find something on how to get the ship off of the ground. She finally found the page, and it said to press a few of the buttons in a specific order; red, yellow, green, blue.
Lilly pressed them in that order, and felt the ship lift off of the ground. She got up from the chair and looked out the window. It was true, the ship was off of the ground! She went back to her chair and sat at out her manual, and checked how to steer. She, once again, followed the book to the letter. And, once again, it was successful.
She consulted her manual one last time in order to get the ship out of orbit. And, as expected, it worked. She looked at the colors and hues of the galactic plane, unphased by the atmosphere that surrounded her planet. It was beautiful. Lilly sat and admired the sky(or lack thereof) in front of her, not noticing that she was leaning on the shifter and pushing her foot on the engine. She only noticed that she was doing these thing when the ship started moving forward. When she removed her arm and foot from their respective controls, the ship didn't stop. She then realized what she had done. She had put the ship into overdrive. You can't stop the ship once it's in overdrive, that's what her training manual said. She was told that all was futile and just curl up on the floor if you accidentally sent a ship into overdrive. And that's exactly what she did.

She hugged her knees to her chest and lied on the floor for about five minutes, then she got up and sat on her chair because she needed to she where she was going. She then realized that curling up and panicking was dumb. She looked out the ship's main window and saw something horrible.
She was hurtling towards another planet! She was probably going to crash!! On another planet!!! Needless to say, Lilly was horrified and panicking in a ball on the floor. 'This is it.' Lilly thought. 'I'm going to die. And if I don't, I'm gonna be in serious trouble.'
Lilly understood and thanked the system in a voice loud and clear. She prepared for impact the same way we would prepare for an earthquake. She laid flat on the floor of her ship and waited for the ship to land.
She waited, and waited, and waited some more, until finally..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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