Chapter 8 -Hurting-

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Okay, lol I am listening  to Olivia Rodrigo's new song and I wanna incorporate that into this kinda. Only cause Krusty has blonde hair and is extremely beautiful. SOOO AHHAAH I wanna make a flashback of Julie and Luke driving down a small neighborhood and teaching Julie how to drive and stuff cause he had experience and- JUST CONTINUE READING TO LIKE FIND OUT THE REST AHAHA.

Also, this is a long chapter so yeah lol.

Okay, ENJOY!!! 💜💜💜



~Alex's POV~

What in the actual hell did Lucas just say/do?

I swear I will beat the daylights out of this douche.


It was around 2am. Carrie left cause she was just shocked and confused. Nick left to go think of a plan to get Luke and Julie together. Julie ran up to her room, I assume to break down. 

I wanted to go see her so bad, but I had important things to discuss. 

I went to go sit in one of the maroon colored arm chairs. Reggie was sitting in the other one. Luke was on his couch with Kristina. 

I hate that woman- I mean little braty girl- 

She ruined all of our connections. 

It was so quiet. Reggie was on the verge of falling asleep. 

I decided I needed to speak up. Something was off about their relationship.

Alex: So Luke, you and Kris huh?

I cross my arms and look at him with stern fiery eyes.

Luke: Yep! Mhm! Correct! 

He says wrapping his arm around Kristina's shoulders making her smile.

She moves closer to him, burying her head into his chest.


Reggie perked up and walked over to his cage. He picked up some of the moths. 

They weren't moving-

Reggie: Awwee!! They are sleeping!!


Usually when he pickes them up, their wings flutter and they start flying around him- like they are worshiping him somehow.

but, they are just- not moving?

Alex: Reg- I don't think-

Kristina: OH yeah! They are dead!

She giggles.

that little piece of shi-

Reggie: No they aren't! They are just sleeping. See! 

He picks one up and they start to run pale white. 

His face breaks out into a worry. He picks them all up, they all turn bone white.

Reggie: WAIT NOO!! Pizza?? Greg?? Ray Jr?? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!
He falls to his knees, burying them into his face.

I run over to him. I wrap my arms around him and I feel him come closer. He starts sobbing hard, holding his butterflies- yes I acknowledge them as butterflies- 

I look over at Luke and motion him to come over.

Luke: I don't want anything to do with Reggie's dumb moths. I don't get it, they are just a lifeless insect. Just leave them alone and don't be a baby.

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