3) A Short Greeting

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The school hallways were practically empty as she walked towards where she thought she could find someone to help her with her problem. Kirishima walked with her, "Why did you wait for the ball throw to use your quirk?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"Well....I was thinking, at the sports festival we are all gonna compete against each other, I just want to leave it a mystery so it's harder to build a strategy against me. Make it harder for my opponent..." she trailed off, reading the signs hanging around them in search of the teachers lounge.

"You mean Bakugo?" He smiled at her knowingly. With a look of moue at the mention of his name, she let out a frustrated sigh.

"Yes, Bakugo too. Shoto got in through recommendations, you know, he is probably very highly skilled, Kirishima. We've got some serious competition if we want to be noticed at the festival. I'd like to have a number of internship offers afterwards. And....I want to win." She said thoughtfully.

Kirishima watched her expression, "We could work together at the festival." He suggested to her.

"Probably not a good idea, Kiri, not that I don't want your help but we really need to distinguish ourselves and if we work together it'll make us look like we depend on each other."

"Oh....well...I kinda do depend on you..." he said, some sadness in his tone. She looked at him, regretting her choice of words.

"And I depend on you too, Kirishima. You're my best friend, I need you. But we have to put on a front, as heroes we can't let anyone see our weaknesses."

"I know, you're right."

She stopped in the middle of the hallway and let out a sigh. "I am totally lost. I have no idea where the teachers lounge is."

Three teenagers were conversing nearby and one of the heads perked up, his friend noticed and grabbed his wrist. "Stay out of it, Mirio, you don't even know them."

"Come on, Tamaki. You know I can't ignore a damsel in distress." The blonde said, pulling himself from the shy boy's grip. He approached Katsumi, his two friends trailing him at a slower pace. "Hello, I'm Mirio, why do you need to find the teacher's lounge?" He smiled brightly at the pink haired girl and she returned the expression.

"Um...I am Katsumi, this is Kirishima. I just wanted to see if it was possible to test my hero costume?" His round eyes widened a bit.

"Oh wow, already?" He chuckled at her, finding her shyness strangely adorable, "It's only the first day and....aren't you freshman? Have you worn it yet?" His friends joined him standing on either side of him. Katsumi's smile turned sheepish and she rubbed the back of her head.

"Well no, but...I-" she started.

"She is worried it's not going to be very effective with her quirk." Kirishima stated blatantly and Mirio seemed to understand.

"Ahhh, I see. Well, no need to go to the teachers lounge." He made a large gesture with his hands in one direction down the hall behind her, "I'll take you to the Development Studio, that's where they work on them. I'm sure Maijima Senpai will be able to help you." He said, holding his right arm out in the manner of a gentleman. Katsumi didn't take his arm, not used to chivalrous behavior from her peers, and not recognizing the gesture. She walked ahead, Mirio merely shrugged and led her in the right direction.

"Thank you, Mirio. I am sorry to take up your time-" She began but he didn't let her go on.

"It's not a problem, at all. I enjoy helping people, and it's easy to get lost in these hallways. Just ask Tamaki." He said with a laugh, earning a growl from his friend.

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