Both of the best options denied, Jaime's thoughts raced to determine where else she might be. Finally, reluctantly, another scenario formed behind his eyes. He remembered how that Wildling, Tormund Giantsbane, had set his sites on Brienne and done his best to garner her attentions and her affection. Had he succeeded in Jaime's absence? Had he won Brienne's heart? It was a possibility Jaime did not wish to contemplate.

Jaime stared blankly ahead of him, and voiced his fears. "Beyond The Wall?" He stammered, swallowing hard.

Tyrion was quick to assuage his brother's fear, understandingly the reference. "No." He answered, happy to give Jaime at least that much peace. "She is here." Tyrion responded, his words barely portraying the monumental importance of his news.

"Here? In Kings Landing?" Jaime held his breath, unable to believe she was so near. Then a thousand questions entered his mind. There was only one he could voice. "Why?" He could not fathom that Brienne of Tarth would quit her oath to House Stark. Or had they quit her? What had it been like for her at Winterfell after he left? He felt hollow at the thought that he was to blame.

"I dishonored her." Jaime said, guilt in his tone. "She has been turned out by Queen Sansa." He conjectured. "And by her father, as well." His face drained of color.

Tyrion studied him, noting the dire dread with which he contemplated his interpretation of Brienne's fate. He shook his head to relieve Jaime's fear. "No. She has not." Tyrion shook his head. "Quite the contrary." His expression softened. "Ser Brienne's true friends and her father rallied around her in her time of..." He trailed of, not wishing to broach the truth that way. "After you left." He finished, vaguely.

Jaime's face grew even more confused. "I do not understand." He questioned. "Yet, she is in the Capital?" He struggled to find a reason to explain her change in circumstance.

Tyrion sighed, remembering his conversation with King Bran not an hour before. If Jaime was to learn the truth, now was as good a time as any, and better he learn it from someone who cared for him. "She is the Keep." Tyrion corrected.

Jaime's eyes registered a moment of shock, not imagining that the woman he loved was so close to him. "What?" He questioned incredulously, certain he had heard Tyrion incorrectly.

Tyrion did not answer, but merely stared, acknowledging the truth of his revelation through his silence. Jaime understood that his brother would never weave a falsehood about something so dear to him. As realization sank in, Jaime's expression softened, as if he were almost beginning to feel Brienne through some type of bond. His heart felt as though she were just on the other side of his door. Every part of him yearned to run out of the room in search of her.

"Brienne is here?" Jaime repeated Tyrion's words in a whisper. "How? Why?" He was desperate to learn all that had transpired to bring her to Kings Landing. As the news sunk in Jaime's anger rose, not only for the time he had stolen from himself and Brienne, but at Tyrion for keeping him a virtual prisoner when she was but mere paces away.

"Brienne has been named Lord Commander of King Bran's Kingsguard." Tyrion informed him.

Jaime inhaled sharply, imagining how perfect Brienne would be in that role. "I could not be pressed to name any better in all the kingdoms to assume those duties." Jaime said proudly. He knew how much it must have meant to Brienne. His heart soared at the thought of her in the golden armor of the Lord Commander. Then he looked at Tyrion earnestly. It was clear in Jaime's eyes that he loved Brienne.

"The King knows I am here. He wishes my return to the open, and she is residing in The Keep. Why have you kept me locked away all this time?" Jaime voice was dry and suspicious. He did not realize his fist curled like talons around the cup of wine he held.

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