Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, only the story is mine

Wracking sobs went through her body, heck, she could fill Gileses "Kiss the Librarian Mug" with her tears. An unbidden image of a certain bleached peroxide pest chained to the bathtub, looking up to her, hate in his eyes- unknowing it would become love in a couple of months. The vision just brought everything back up, the solitude of her room becoming a safe haven for her memories circling around, little whiffs of something bigger- except she couldn't have the bigger thing, she couldn't have the whole package, all she had now was those cursed memories. A blond figure slid next to her, tapping her shoulder, his duster floating around him. Buffy turned around, facing the oh so familiar face, the love clear in his blue eyes. Buffy could only stare at him, unable to move, to speak, just drinking up the sight of her dead lover. "Shh love, don't cry" he whispered, moving towards her, taking her in his arms. Buffy sank into his embrace, taking the comfort that he offered by just holding her. This feeling, safe in Spike's arms, was one she had drunk up in those last nights before the battle, fully clothed, looking into his eyes, seeing the love, the adoration, the hope, and even more love. Pulling strength from him. The only times she had felt safe in those days were those nights. Here he was, pulling her to him again, something that only happened in her dreams. Her eyes snapped open. The warm atmosphere of strong arms wrapped around her evaporated. She knew it hadn't been real. That she would never feel those arms around her again.

It had been 148 days

And spike was still dead

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