Changing For The Better Or Worse

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Midoriya stared at her, shock and confusion visible on his expression. She blinked owlishly, "huh, I broke him... Maybe if I boop him it'll fix the problem!!"

She then leaned forward, and tapped Midoriya's nose, grinning childishly while doing so. He let out an embarssed 'Eep', and quickly moved his arms to cover up his blushing face.

She hummed, "Y'know, I probably should've started that off with an explaination. Or maybe even an introduction!! Oh well... Anyways, my name is Nikko!! You're Izuku, right?"

Midoriya recovered from his embaressment slightly, and said, "Uh, y-yeah, that's m-me.... U-usually p-people just c-call me by my s-surname, though.."

Nikko nodded at a fast pace, "Right, sorry. I forget that humans have those sometimes, cus fairies don't use 'em!!! Anyways, I should probably give you an explaination, huh. So. Fairies can't have kids. But, we need to keep the population up, otherwise fairies could die out completely cus of outside factors. Instead, we have willing humans become fairies using a spell. But we want to make sure that they're good humans before we preform the spell, so we only offer it too people who have lots and lots of freckles!! Like you!! Aaand, you're also one of the few people who have enough freckles to do the spell who hasn't rejected it yet, which is why I'm asking you even though your a kid, and we usually only offer it to adults. Make sense?"

Midoriya nodded, "Y-yeah, I-I think... B-but um.... Wh-why me? I-I'm just a u-useless Deku..." She frowned at that, a great contrast to the bubbly character she was a few moments ago, "Nobody's 'useless'. 'Specially you. I don't know who told you that, but they're a liar."

"B-But I'm quirkless!!! I-I c-can't do anything!!!" he protested, curling in on himself ever so slightly. Nikko raised an eyebrow, "So? Fairies don't have quirks. We can learn magic, but we don't have quirks like how humans do. If you did have a quirk, you'd lose it as soon as you were turned into a fairy."

That... explained alot, actually. The fairies wouldn't care about his lack of a quirk, so that's probably part of why he has so many freckles. But still, he didn't see why they liked him so much, even if his quirklessness didn't matter. What could possibly be likable about him? He didn't know.

But, even so, he considered the offer. It... would certianly be nice, to live without dealing with discrimination. And he'd like to learn how to use magic. The wings would be really neat, too! But, what about his mom..?

She'd be better off without him. He was just a failure, after all. All he did was cause Inko stress. She deserved so much more than him.

"Sooo, what do you say?" Nikko said, back to her previous, cheerful demeenor. Midoriya couldn't tell if it was geniune or simply a front.

He had made up his mind, but first, he needed to know, "I-is i-it p-permanent? I-I mean, i-if I g-go through with this... I-I'll be a f-fairy f-f-forever?"

She nodded, "Yep!! There's no going back on this!"

"O-okay... I-I'll do i-it.... B-but, f-first, I-I need to do s-something... I-I'll be quick, I-I promise" With that, he ran into the currently empty house, grabbing one of his notebooks. He flipped through it, and ripped out the first empty page. And then, he began writing.

It was a note for his mom, too explain what had happened. To tell her that she didn't need to worry about him anymore. That he'd be okay on his own, and she could finally be happy without the burden he caused.

He left the note right by the front door, where she'd easily find it. Once that was through with, he went out to the garden once more.

"You ready?" Nikko asked. He nodded, and as soon as he did so, Nikko started the spell. Her eyes started to glow golden, and his body became tingly and numb. He couldn't feel, couldn't move, could only stand there as he transformed into a fairy. He vaguely noticed a green glow surrounding his own body, and the way that everything around him was growing in size drastically. No, wait. He was just shrinking.

Eventually, it stopped, and feeling returned to him. He had become tiny, only 14 centimeters tall. His ears had become long and pointed, just like those of Nikko. Rather than clear wings, he had the wings of a luna moth, and antenna to match. His shorts had shrunken down with him, luckily. (He still was shirtless)

He stared up at the fairy girl, who now towered over him. He'd admit, it was kind of terrifying. She could easily stomp on him, and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. He hadn't expected to be so.... small. Yeah, he knew that fairies were generally smaller than average, but now his flowers were taller than him!

Nikko shrunk down suddenly, now the same size as Midoriya, maybe a fraction of a centimeter shorter than him. "So, whadda you think? It's really cool, isn't it?" she asked, grinning widely. Midoriya turned his head to look at his new wings as he said, "Yeah... this is amazing!"

He ran his fingers across his wings, and gasped in surprise when he realized that he could feel the touch with his wings.

He turned to face Nikko once more, eyes watery, and in a voice barely more than a whisper he said, "Thank you.... Thank you so much.."

She chuckled, and fluttered up into the air, gesturing for him too follow, "C'mon! We needa go to Ixipa so that way we can get you all set up!"

"Ixipa?" Midoriya questioned, as he attempted to fly with his new wings.

"Yeah!! It's where fairies like us live!" Nikko beamed, flying over to him. She grabbed him by the wrists, and started flying again, carrying him a bit into the air.

Eventually he managed to fly on his own, and then they were off.

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