Grabbing the Book

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You wake up the next morning excited but also relaxed at the same time. You get dressed in your uniforms you struggled with tying your tie so you decided to simply lay it around your neck.

As you leave your dormitory to meet the other three Hermione was the first one to see you. You and Hermione go to Divination and before you enter you find Ron and Harry on the way over.

Harry looks by your shoulders and says "Your tie isn't tied you know"

You look at him and say "Oh I know I'm just not good at tying them"

He leans over without hesitation and messing with your tie and before you know it he tied your tie perfectly.

Your classes past by quite quickly. Soon it was your passing period. You run to Harry and say

"Now is our chance to get that book"

"Alright let's get it now before anyone else does" He replied

You and Harry RUN to the balcony you two were yesterday.

"How are we going to get there" Harry asks in a subtle tone

"We could climb, I think" You say


The roof was fairly easy to climb you reach out to get the book but you tilt your head up. You see the view of the the lake and mountains it was the most beautiful view you've ever seen

"Harry I would come and look at this" you say without breaking eye contact of the view

"Ok?" He said while climbing up. He had the same reaction as you. And stays there for a bit. All of your thoughts about the book had been wiped away.

Your leg slipped slowly and you started to fall back you fell past the balcony onto the ground.

Authors note: (Next Chapter will be my last unless you guys have suggestions)

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