Reading with Harry

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Hanging with Harry was a dream, a dream you never thought of, laughs, smiles, and more laughs. The night before you remember grabbing that book Hermione gave you. Before class you tell Harry

"Hey Hermione gave me this book she said the counter curse might be in here" you say

"Mabye we could study together after school in the library" Harry said trying to act confident yet clearly failing

"Sounds like a deal" you reply

You went thru your classes and rushed down the hall as fast as you could to meet Harry. Though you see Harry all the time, today you felt different. You go to the library to see Harry surprisingly already there.

"Hey I see you brought the book" he said

"Oh uh yea" you said smiling

He flips around the pages with one hand to find something. Soon you and Harry's knees were touching. Both of you didn't move almost as if you felt comfortable.

After you get about 60 pages in you see his hand start to shake in nervousness. You slowly move your hand closer to his and soon you touch hands. As you reach for his hand your fingers slowly start to intertwine with each other.

You both don't face one another to make it seem normal, but it was a new experience for you two. After awhile you finished flipping thru the book and find nothing.

He stands up while unlocking hands slowly. You stand up too with the book in your other hand. While putting it down Harry looks at you and says

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then"

Instead of saying your goodbyes you run up to give him a tight hug. It takes Harry a second to process but soon puts his arms up hugging you back. You peck him on the cheek and walk away.

After you leave Hermione walks up to Harry and says

"You seem flustered"

"Uh uh-uh yea I j-just had uh um I" Harry replied

"Did Y/n look thru that book I gave her"

"I uh that's the reason I'm here but we didn't find anything. Oh and I'm going to head back to my dorm"

"Ok" Hermione said confused

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