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"Tch" I heard Tsukishima scoff from the other side of the net.

I scored the last point making my team win. To be honest I haven't had this much fun in forever. And it felt really good to beat Tsukishima.

Hinata then came over to me and started complimenting me.

"Wow (L/n)-chan we both can jump!" he said excitedly jumping up and down. I smiled at him nodding. "Have you been playing volleyball for a long time?" he asked me. I nodded at him. "Really?, that must explain why your so good!"

I had a small blush on my face. Man he really know how to boost your confidence.

After the game

I went to the fountain to grab some water because I was super dehydrated from the game.

It was a little dark in some areas which freaked me out a lot so I grabbed my phone light so it wouldn't be so dark.

I finally got to the fountain and refilled my water bottle. I couldn't help but think about Kenma for some reason. I wonder what he was doing right now? Probably playing games like he always is. I giggled to myself at the thought of his getting mad from losing a game.

I was almost at the gym when I felt someone grab my wrist and turn me around. I dropped my phone in the process and it was still a little dark so I couldn't see there face that well. They put there hand over my mouth and picked me up taking me somewhere.

I started freaking out pushing and kicking the person who was holding me but they were too strong. They moved me to a dark hallway that nobody was allowed in because it was under construction and because non of the lights were working.

They pushed me into an empty room and I heard them lock the door. It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. My heart started beating unhealthily fast, I broke into a cold sweat paralyzed not able to move, tears were running down my face. I felt like screaming but nothing came out, all I could hear was my heavy breathing and my heart beat which was thumping out of my chest.

I didn't move, or more like I felt like I couldn't,I was paralyzed.

I started getting flashbacks to when my dad would lock me in the dark room not letting me out for days. I continued crying until I couldn't cry anymore.

Kaitlyns Pov

(Y/n) left to get water about 20 minutes ago and still hasn't come back. So I got a bit worried knowing that the light would go out soon and (Y/n) does not do well in the dark. 10 more minutes pass by and someone announced that it would be lights out soon. I started getting even more anxious so I decided to start looking for her.

I went to every other gym thinking maybe she went into the wrong one, hoping she did, but there was no sign of her. I looking in the lunchroom, break room, student lounge, teachers lounge, and I asked a few other guys asking if they've seen her but they said they haven't. Now I was really panicking I started running through the halls of the training camp hoping that I missed an area. That's when I bumped into someone and I almost lost my balance when they grabbed my wrist and held me up. I looked up to see no other than Kuroo looking down at me and next to him on a gaming console,Kenma.

"Hey Kait- whoa what wrong?" He said worriedly while putting both his hand on my face wiping away small tears that were falling down my face. I started to break down. Kuroo pulled me into a tight hug rubbing my back and his head atop of mine. "Hey hey it's ok just sit down tell us what wrong." he said in a soft tone.

"No no" I said refusing to sit down." he looked at me with a worried expression. "(Y-y/n)" I said stuttering . For some reason I saw Kenma peak up from his game when I mentioned her. " I can't find her and it's already going to be dark and she doesn't do well in the dark." I cried hugging Kuroo tighter. "It's my fault I didn't go with her, i'm such a terrible best friend." I cried harder. Kuroo hugged me even tighter trying to calm me down. "Ok ok let's ask around an ask if anyone has seen her." I nodded a wiped my tears. " Kenma you go ahead we'll be there in awile." He seemed to already be doing that and walked away.

"Kaitlyn it's not your fault ok, anything could have happened and your an amazing best friend and person don't let anyone tell you otherwise ok." I nodded and wiped my tears away, that when he pulled me in a kissed my forehead. I'm sure I turned four darker shades of red. "C'mon let's go find her." he grabbed my hand and we walked off to look for (Y/n).

Kenmas Pov

Almost 10 minutes had passed and we still couldn't find (Y/n). Kaitlyn and Kuroo we asking a group of guys. I started to lose hope that we might not find her when I heard two boy laughing and snickering in a corner,

"I locked the door and she didn't even make a sound! I was sure she would at least scream or yell but she stayed silent, I guess she wasn't faking it."

They other guy asked "Did you leave her there?"

"Yea she'll get out eventually." he said laughing with his peer.

I immediately knew he was talking about (Y/n). I felt my blood boil and my hands clench. I went up to him and grabbed him by his shirt.

"Where is she." I said sternly

"Who?" he said pretending he didn't know what I was talking about still laughing.

"The girl you were laughing about where is she!" I said louder grabbing him by his shirt.

"Whoa whoa chill,"he said with his hands up "She's in one of the rooms of the broken hallway that doesn't work."

I let go of him and ran to the direction of the hallways as fast as I could.

Not much longer I arrived out of breath.

"(Y/n)!" I called out her name but I couldn't here a response. I started opening all the doors hoping she was here. I got my out phone and turned on the flashlight due to how dark it was. I kept on opening doors until I got to one room that was locked. I tried too open it but it still wouldn't open. I put my ear to the door and heard quite whimpers.

I kept at it with the door but it wouldn't bust. I could hear her crying and it hurt my heart that she was alone. I kicked the door and it busted open. I flashed my phone light and she was there curled up in a ball and her face was stained with tears. I immediately ran up to her to see if she was ok. When I got to her she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her head into my neck. My heart skipped a beat but I immediately responded and hugged her tightly.  She started crying even more and my heart broke, I hated to see her like this so I tried my best to calm her down.

"Shhhh it's ok."  I whispered to her running my fingers through her hair and wiping her tears. I sat down and pulled her on to my lap hugging and comforting her until she stopped crying.

(Y/n)s Pov

Kenma put me on his lap and hugged me tighter. I wrapped my legs around his waist and cried. I felt embarrassed for looking like this in front of him but he felt so warm and he smelled really good so after awhile I calmed down and stopped crying.

"Are you feeling better now?" Kenma looked at me and brushed a hair out of my face. I nodded and buried my head back into his shoulder.

I then heard him grab his phone and dial a number.

"Yea I found her... in the hallway that's under construction.... ok bye."

He turned back to me and played with my hair while I snuggled closer to him. I felt safe in his arms and I didn't want to let go.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until I heard someone running not to far away.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Kaitlyn yell, her and Kuroo came in with bright flashlights which definitely made me feel way better.

She ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry I should've gone with you!"she hugged me tighter.

I didn't say anything I just hugged her back.

"Cmon guys let get out of here." Kuroo said from behind us. I nodded and we left the now empty room.

Hey guys sorry it took so long to for me to update I was working on school and other stuff but hope you enjoyed loves💕

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