Chapter One, part one: Your name?

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Winter continued down the streets of new Ninjago city. She looked into the dull, grey sky. After brushing a long white lock of her hair out of her face she inhaled a big breath of nasty polluted air and released a ridged breath. She knew her previous actions had been wrong, but she couldn't help herself. She didn't want to let anyone do the wrong thing. She was referring to a scramble she was in earlier that day at the museum of Betty Interest. A student in her class was touching an exhibit that ever so clearly had a sign that said "Do not touch."

'Um,' Winter started, 'I'm not sure you saw, but we aren't supposed to touch-' then out of the blue the other student retaliated.

'You need to mind your own business.' And the little tussle began. She and the other student stood at each other, yelling in each other's faces when Winter made the first move. She released an icy feeling flurry out of her fingertips. She had this ability as long as she could remember, at least from her newer life. She got the kid square in the face and stood, waiting for a response. Instead, she got a crying peer yelling at her, saying Winter punched them in the face. She then found herself in the principals office to finally be sent to detention. She spent a good chunk of time in detention, as she was constantly in trouble, most of the time for things like that. She didn't take any offense usually, because all it did was gave her extra time to read or do homework, which was very helpful.

She was a freshman to Primstone high school, which was a chore on it's own, since anyone enrolled were either personality-less class pets, or a troublemaker. She was a dying breed of middle ground, as she loved to talk and learn, while doing the things she was told to. The book she had been reading on this session of detention was one her father had given to her, about the legendary ninja of creation, each representing a different element; Fire, ice, earth and lightning. The book may have been science fiction, but it was her favorite to read on free time. She wished she could-

Winter was snapped to reality from her thoughts when she felt a punch on her back. She whipped her head around to see a shorter girl crossing the street, most likely the one who punched her. The girl was wearing a faded grey blue jacket and had worn down black jeans on. She had long, wavy dark brown hair about halfway down her back covering a green backpack. She looked younger then Winter, at least by three years, and her back was to Winter, so she couldn't see her face.

"Hey!" Winter blurted out.
The girl turned around. Winter immediately noticed a sort of infinity scarf around her neck. She had pale-ish skin and a circular shaped face dotted with light brown freckles. Her eyes were covered by curly spiky bangs "What?"
"You hit me!"
The girl cocked her head slightly. "No?"

Anger filled Winter's stomach. "Don't lie to my face!"

The girl now gave Winter her full attention. "Look, I didn't touch ya, so would you not? I don't have time for this." Winter noticed her voice was kind of high and had a very light New York accent over it.

"Wanna say that again?" Winter was starting to see the girl get a little angry.


As the girl tried to walk away, curiosity spiked in the back of Winter's head and she just had to know. "What's your name."


"What's your name?"

"Pfft, what are you, a scratched record? Leave me alone."

Winter asked the question, each time annoying the girl a little more.
"That's it!"
Winter had tested her luck for the last time, and was met with the girl jumping up in an attempt to punch Winter.

Winter moved out of the away and snatched the scarf. The girl suddenly didn't look like she wanted to fight anymore and started shouting at Winter, demanding she give it back. Ignoring her, Winter examined the "scarf", seeing it was actually, a mask.

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