Everyone grew silent, apart from Alicia, who just continued smirking. Just as I was about to say something, a black dog walked up to Alicia, where it came from I have no clue, but it just started growling at her. I immediately reconised the dog. It was my dad, Sirius Black, also known as Padfoot. When I was younger, I always use to ask him to turn into a dog so I could throw sticks for him and not once did he say no. It brought more tears to my eyes but this time they were happy not sad. I could finally see my dad again.

Alicia looked at Padfoot with fear in her eyes as she backed up into a corner of the locker room, Padfoot still growling at her. Padfoot stopped growling, turned around, walked up to me and rubbed his face on my leg as if to ask me to stroke him. I gently stroked Padfoot on his head, he barked at me while nodding his head towards the door before running out. I quickly ran after him, ignoring the shouts from my friends. He lead me to behind one of the stands and changed back into his human form. I stood there frozen for a couple seconds, taking in the fact my dad was standing in front of me after 12 years.

His hair was about shoulder length and very greasy, he had lots of tattoos, he was still in his prison clothes which were ripped and dirty and he also had dirt on his face along with dark under eye circles.
"Hello daughter." He said with a nervous smile. I think he expected me to be angry and not want to see or speak to him but of course that wasn't the case.

After standing there for a few more seconds, I jumped into his arms, crying my eyes out. We hugged for a couple minutes, both of us crying, not wanting to let go, in fear we would never see each other again. We let go after hearing someone calling my name. I turned around and saw Remus running over to us with Tonks, Molly and Arthur.

"Y/N! Hurry up the game will start soon." He said.
"Wait. Did you all know that dad was here?" I asked very confused.
"Yes, they did. I asked Remus if he would help me get into the castle to see you and with the help of Tonks, Molly and Arthur he managed to get me in undetected." My dad said smiling, I smiled back and hugged Remus, Tonks, Molly and Arthur thanking them.
"You need to go, the game will be starting in a minute." Remus told me again.
"Yes, ok. Will I see you after the game?" I asked my dad, hoping he would say yes.
"No. No you won't. It's too risky." He said sadly. I just looked at the ground, trying to hold back tears.
"I'll be watching you though. From a far." He added, which created a small smile on my lips.
"Thanks dad." I said hugging him.
"Go get 'em toughy." He said as we pulled away. This made a massive smile appear on my face because I haven't heard my dad call me that in 12 years and it is so nice that I am finally able to hear him say it again.

His nickname for me has been toughy since I was only a couple months old because whenever I got hurt, I didn't cry. I didn't cry when I was hungry, hurt, tired, cold, nothing. I just never cried. I rarely cry now. The only times I have really cried is the mention of my mum and dad, not my dad anymore though, and whenever someone bullies me because the things they say to me, I believe. I believe every single word they say and I know I shouldn't but I can't help but agree with them.

I gave my dad one final hug, along with a smile and I ran off to the locker room to join my team before the game starts. As I was approaching the locker room, I heard voices shouting at someone and when I entered the room, I saw Katie, Angelina and the twins shouting at Alicia, I internally smiled as I realised what amazing friends I have. No. Best friends.

The rest of the team, who wasn't shouting at Alicia walked over to me and checked I was alright. I told them I was fine and obviously skipped out the part about my dad. I couldn't exactly say, 'Yeah I'm fine, I actually just saw my dad, Sirius Black, who everyone thinks is a mass murderer, for the first time in 12 years'. I checked my watch and saw that we needed to be on the field in 3 minutes, so I whistled to get everyone's attention.

Forever Mine (Oliver Wood x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now