His Cute Confession (Mitobe Rinnosuke x Reader)

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That was what's written on the paper. The hell? With furrowed brows, you tore a little piece of blank paper from your notebook and wrote a reply: Who are you? Then crumpled it and tossed it behind you. Whoever would get it probably was the one messaging you in a kindergarten-like-way.

After a few minutes, another paper landed on your desk.


You dropped your heart. And you, my friend, freaking tried to pick it up with a burning face. You composed yourself and wrote a reply using your best, cleanest, prettiest handwriting.

What is it, Mitobe-kun? :)


You didn't bother to look at him when you tossed the paper on his desk. You were blushing and it's just embarrassing if he sees it so you were trying so hard to hide your flushed face. After about what seemed like three minutes of waiting, his reply arrived.

Are you going out on a date later?

Goddd! All his messages kept on making you lose your mind. He never talked to anyone and so you never conversed. You never even heard his voice, as a matter of fact. But now, he was talking to you. He was talking to you through.. love letters?

With that thought, you felt like screaming and squealing to your heart's content. But then, you remained calm. As calm and collected as possible. It's not good to assume, no.

Don't get your hopes up.

There are some guys asking me. You replied, quite unsure if you had to mention that.

His response: Don't go.

Your eyes widened and you just had to ask the billion dollar question.


He replied:

He just drew a heart. A freaking heart.

What does that mean?

Your conversation stopped because the teacher happened to pass by you two so you concentrated on the test. But deep inside, you were bothered and unsatisfied.

What does ♥ means?

*   *   *

After class, you immediately turned around and saw that Mitobe was already gone. You groaned and stared at the piece of paper you were holding.

Just a heart. A single heart.

You facepalmed and fixed your things. You bid goodbye to your friends and walked out of the classroom. But just as you took a step out of the door, a hand gently grabbed your wrist. When you turned to look at who it was, you gasped.


He was standing just next to the door as if really waiting for you to come out. There was a small smile on his lips as he squeezed your arm gently, getting your full attention.

"W-What is it?" You asked nervously. You swore the blush on your cheeks could put Kagami Taiga's hair into shame.

Mitobe scratched his cheek awkwardly before pulling something out of his pocket. He gave it to you and you stared at the paper on top of your palm in surprise and confusion.

Will you keep it?

Clueless, you stared at the words written on the paper for a few seconds. Then you composed yourself and looked at his face again. He seemed nervous too, so you decided to ask him one final question.

"What are you talking about?"

He froze for a minute, then his lips curled up into a gentle smile. He let your wrist go, cupped your chin which made you stop breathing, then leaned into your ear and whispered:

"I gave you my heart."

Your eyes widened, so very very wide that it seemed like they would pop out of your sockets. He just talked. He freaking did. And his voice was calm and velvety and beautiful.

When he pulled away from you, that's only the time you managed to regain your usual pattern of breathing. You immediately reached for your pocket and took the piece of paper you kept earlier.

Then realization dawned on you. This heart was his very own confession. Unexpectedly, tears blurred your sight because of happiness. When a droplet of your tear landed on the paper, you noticed something. You flipped it and read the words written at the back:

I love you.

When you looked at Mitobe again, he was smiling. And you lost it. You wrapped your arms around his neck and immediately kissed his soft lips. He didn't know how to react at first, you surprised him. Realizing that, you pulled away shyly.

"I-I'm sorry." You apologized, biting the insides of your lower lip in embarrassment.

But Mitobe grinned and pulled you to his chest again, hugging you tightly. Warmth and content embraced your heart as you felt his arms around you. It was like a dream come true: When the one you love loves you in return.

It was purely happiness.

Mitobe Rinnosuke nuzzled his face on your ear and whispered something once again:

"I'll take that as a yes."

You giggled and hugged him back. Yeah. You'd definitely keep his heart forever..




Kuroko No Basuke Oneshots And StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora