Chapter 5: Warm Food

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(Credits to the rightful owner of this image)

Idris stood up, the veil on her face flickering in the wind. Her eyes were wide. The two were standing on a cliff, behind an abandoned house in ruins. In front of them stretched the city of Sharjisima, the shimmering lights of the city illuminating the night. It was beautiful, and Idris stared at the view, unable to move. " did you know about this place? I thought you were new here," Idris said, managing to push out a few words.

Ali was still on the floor, starting to breathe without panting. He looked up, noticing her wide eyes. "It's not my first time here," he replied, standing up and dusting himself. He walked to her side. "I found this place trying to find somewhere to sleep." He explained, a small smile on his face.

Idris managed to tear her gaze away from the view, glancing up at him. "I think we'll have to sleep here tonight." She sighed, falling to the ground. She dangled her feet over the void. Ali followed her, crossing his legs instead.

"I seem to understand that neither of us have a lot of money." He laughed, his voice echoing in the empty space.

Idris nodded, a little laugh slipping out of her as well. "Yeah...sorry if it wasn't what you expected," Idris sighed, starting to take off the veil that covered her hair. Ali blinked, not sure if he was supposed to watch this.


"No don't worry. I put this veil on when I step inside cities. It's more comfortable and less people stare at me. And I have a more mysterious aura."She laughed, folding it neatly and slipping it inside a small bag she had tied around her waist that Ali hadn't noticed before. He slowly glanced at her face, amazed by her beauty. She had a small, straight nose, with naturally red lips. Her cheeks were red from running, and her already beautiful eyes completed her face, glimmering in the dark.

Idris adjusted her hair, oblivious to Ali's amazement. A few delicate, golden chains decorated her hair and made it shimmer. "Those are very pretty," Ali noticed, watching as the moonlight made the jewels shine a bit brighter. He wanted to ask where she had gotten such clearly expensive ornaments but didn't want to seem rude so he just closed his mouth.

The silence started to fill the space between them, until Idris clapped her hands together, making Ali flinch awake from his dull daze. "Well, I'm starving!" She said, reaching for her bag. Now that Idris brought it closer, Ali could see it better. It was a night blue shade, faded and clearly old. It almost seemed from another era. It had silver decorations sewn by hands, and it was closed with a few silver strings around copper buttons, tightening when pulled. The woman opened it, loosening the strings and slipping her hand inside. She grabbed a few things, pulling them out. There were two small paper cups, holding falafels. There were three each.
"Here! It's not the biggest portion but still good!" Idris said, placing one of the cups in his hand.

Ali took it, not expecting the scalding heat that scorched his hand. A soft curse slipped out of his mouth before he could control himself, catching it before the spheres rolled down the hill. "It's still hot! How long have they been in your bag? They seem freshly made," Ali joked, wondering what type of invention Idris had in that mysterious bag.

The woman seemed to freeze, her hands stopping. "I....I got them shortly before going inside. I put some warm stones underneath and it kept them heated," Idris laughed, her words tumbling out of her mind.

Ali wasn't really listening, just staring at the food in his cup with wide eyes. "Smart," he said, smiling before he started to dive in and eat the food. It was delicious, and it burnt his mouth right in the good way, not hurting too much or too cold. "This is amazing...I need to know who you got these from!"

Idris looked up, a faint blush spreading on her cheeks. "Thank you." She said, her smile widening. It almost seemed like she had made it herself. The two kept eating in silence for a few more minutes, until Ali finished, placing the empty cup next to him and flopping back down on the ground. "That was delicious. I hope you managed to get many of these because I love them." He laughed, his eyes droopy.

Idris was soon to follow, taking his empty cup and slipping it inside her bag. "There," she said, slapping her hands together to clean them of the spices. Ali heard her rustling around, sitting up. "Ah, sorry I would have helped. I just had a moment of drowsiness." Ali said, massaging his forehead.

Idris could tell that he was tired, bags underneath his eye and he was very pale. He was about to drop down snoring just any second. She wondered where this man came from. Usually the men she had met were always '', but this one was quiet, and he certainly didn't feel like the open type.

"It's okay. Don't worry. I understand you're tired. You can help me clean up next time." Idris said, turning around. The woman was expecting a nod or at least a grunt, but when she heard nothing, she turned around, seeing that Ali had fallen asleep sitting up. "," Idris sighed, grabbing the veil she had had over her head and bunching it up. Idris laid it down on the ground, gently pushing Ali down to sleep on it. "Goodnight, Ali."

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