Chapter 1: The Saviour

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Little Whinging, Surrey

November 3rd, 1986

     A 60 year-old woman was craned her neck. Where was the boy? She knew she was risking herself, out in the open like this, but it was imperative she got back to the Castle. Besides, she had a portkey, made for her ancestors and their descendants by the family of the boy she was trying to find. 

     As she entered the quiet, unassuming street of Privet Drive, she heard a shout, and a slam of a door. She slowly made her way to the house that the noise came from. Suddenly, the compass she was using started glowing a vibrant shade of green. When the woman looked to see what the matter was, the compass floated towards an unconscious boy of maybe 4-5 years, bloodied and battered about 10 feet away from her. She let out a gasp; she knew what this meant. Her eyes were filled with horror as the compass floated directly above the boy's head, and spelt out a name. The name was Harry James Potter.

      The woman quickly rushed to the boy's side, and clutched her portkey, willing it to give her access to her study in the Castle. Before she left, though, she took a vow, and a purple mist exited from her mouth, and her eyes turned the same shade of green as the young Potter boy.

      "With what is left of my family's, and my latent and manifested magic, I hereby swear to protect this child of the Ancient House, and fully care for him with the nurture he needs, as I was tasked to do by my forefathers. Furthermore, I will integrate him into his society, and teach him to uphold the virtues of his Noble House, as was the task bestowed upon me. So I swear, as Queen of these Isles. So I, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor swear on my, and my family's latent and manifested magic!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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