Disclaimer and Stuff

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Disclaimer for FULL STORY: 


 HELLO! As you might be able to tell, this will be a Harry Potter story with a twist. The main changes that will be happening will be very easy to distinguish. I will not make Harry too overpowered, nor will I make him have to go through too many side quests to get something. 

As for Hermione, Ron, Molly, Arthur, and Albus (Albus will only be touched upon though)....

        Yeah, if you actually do like their characters, and hate when people bash them....

Exit's to your left buddy

Furthermore, CANON deaths may change, or may not. Most ships will remain intact.

The main pairing that I have in mind (as of 1/10/2021) is Harry x Luna

As of 1/17/2021, I have a few more ideas for shipping...

For all you Daphne simps, she'll be with Draco no matter how much you complain.

I do have a few people in mind that will have to stay dead or be killed off

Snape will be working in the grey areas, meaning he will not really be under Dumbledore's, or Voldemort's, control. Instead, he will be working by himself, and may/may not warm up to Harry

Potter Manor simps, stick around. He'll inherit it, and fix it up. And yes, that will be his primary residence.

Harry will only inherit the powers of 4 families, two of which are Potter, and Black

Ancient and Noble Houses: 
Will exist, but only as a way to show off, with no real power except in the Wizengamot

And that's pretty much it. As for rules:

Please don't spam me for updates, I will try to update as often as possible, but I am still in school, and will have mid-terms in a month or so.

I don't really have a problem with cursing in the comments.

Check my conversations tab for updates!

Besides that, enjoy reading!

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