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Amaryllis sat on her beautiful white Asterion horse and looked around the peaceful forest, well almost peaceful. When she looked behind her she saw the nobles she has to escort. Amaryllis rolled her eyes at the high pitch voice of Remelle. She had been escorting them for the past 2,5 weeks and they were finally on their way back towards Doranelle. Amaryllis focused on the road ahead of her trying to block out the people behind her. With her gloved hand she went to the necklace around her neck and held the small lock dangling from it in her hand. She got it from Fenrys, after her first assignment for Maeve she was devastated. She had killed before, but never for anyone else not being sure if she was killing innocent people. So that night her and Fenrys made a promise to 'kill that demon queen, live free and never do something for anyone else ever again'. With her birthday he gave the necklace saying that it is a reminder of their promise. Amaryllis looked at the sundown, they were almost there.

The jingling bells and merry voices reached the fortress long before the party appeared though the ward-stones. Standing in the small courtyard, Aelin slid a glance to Rowan "really? you need my help with these prancing idiots?" "Keep your voice down" Rowan muttered back, giving a pointed glance to her ears.

Aelin rolled her eyes but didn't say anything as the party arrived. In the front rode a girl she had seen before with a face full of thunder, Rowan's sister as he had told her. Rowan smirked looking at her. Behind her was a stunning female, undoubtedly the leader. Her eyes were fixed on Rowan. After that came two other nobles and ending the party were two guards.

The stunning lady walked directly towards the fae next to Aelin "Rowan!" she exclaimed, holding out her hand. "Lady Remelle" Rowan replied and took her hands. Remelle looked at their joined hand as if expecting him to place a kiss but he dropped her fingers unceremoniously and turned to the two other nobels greeting the tall slender male named Lord Benson and the dark-haired fae female named Lady Essar. "It's been an age, hasn't it? You never come to our parties, and Maeve keeps you all to herself" Remelle said towards Rowan whose face when blank cold. "There was a time" Remelle pouted "When I got to keep you to myself. Sometimes I miss those days." Amaryllis made a quiet puking sound and interrupted Remelles moment "Stables are over there" she said pointing to the left. Remelle gave Amaryllis an angry look. "Maybe you can teach your sister some manners while we are here, did she tell you what she did?" Remelle told Rowan before walking away towards the stables. Amaryllis rolled her eyes at her comment.

The nobles and guards went towards the stables and Amaryllis walked towards her brother. "I am going to kill Lorcan for giving me this assignment" Amaryllis said holding out her hand mockingly towards Rowan coping Remelle. To her surprise he actually gave a kiss on her hand before giving her a hug. She also gave a nod toward Aelin taking in her appearance, she looked different from last time. "What did you do?" Her brother asked. Off course he knew there was something going on so she told him about her and Fenrys plan. How she secretly purchased some kind of beetles out of town and let them lose in the wing where the nobles were going to sleep. Even though the beetles don't do any harm they make a awful sound at night waking up everyone in the wing. The whole castle was in an uproar that night, people running around trying to catch all the beetles. She and Fenrys had gathered some snacks and walked around the castle the whole night watching the madness unfold. Lorcan quickly caught on who were responsible for the mess so as a punishment Lorcan gave her this assignment. But in the end he probably had some regret because later he proposed that Fenrys also came along but of course he wasn't allowed to go. "I told you not to do something stupid" Rowan said but his lips curled a bit upwards. Aelin on the other hand let out a big laugh.

When the nobles came back Rowan pulled Aelin towards him and said: "This is Elentiya" Amaryllis raised an eyebrow at that. "I am training her at the queens request. Elentiya this is Lady Remelle, Lord Benson, Lady Essar and that is my sister Amaryllis." he continued. Amaryllis nodded once again towards Aelin and left everyone to go to the stables with her beautiful horse.

Breathe - Fenrys MoonbeamWhere stories live. Discover now