[Special Chapter pt.2 + End Notes]

Start from the beginning

The tall man immediately greeted, even before you stood up from your seat. Even when sitting down, his height towers yours.

"I'm much much better now, thank you very much"

You sheepishly smiled as he grinned cutely, and you could see the adorable crooked canine teeth he has.

"I assume you listens to your husband better since then?"

"Of course. He was dying to thank you ever since."

His charming smile took your breath away. Maybe as a way of saying gratitude, he grasp his hand with yours and intertwined your fingers with his. He truly knows how to make other's heart pound uncontrollably.

"Well, tell him your welcome. And also say hi to your daughter for me."

"I will"

You laughed as he reluctantly releases his grasp so you can move on to the last person on the line.

"The little one is not here today?"

The talented vocalist was referring to your child. He looks around you, but you shook your head.

"Sadly no. But she always misses her 'Anpanman'."

His cheekbones rose as his smile grew wider. With a proud expression, he puts his chin on the back of his hands.

"Of course she did. I'm the only one who meet her out of all of us here. How could she not?"

You could almost swear you saw Jeonghan and Dokyeom sending him a death glare at his statement.

Nevertheless, he ignored them and continue cracking some jokes and talking about your daughter. It's fascinating how his eyes light up when talking about your daughter. He seems like he really wanted to have a daughter of his own.

And finally, it is the end of the fanmeet.

You stood there in the middle of the table, staring at thirteen boys who each contributed something into your life.

"I would never forget you guys"

You said aloud, when you felt your consciousness wearing thin. Your time is almost up.

"You better not, if you do, I'll be mad"

A melodic laugh came out of your throat at how the oldest of them all pouted his thick lips cutely. Some of the other members shouted in agreements.

They all then waved at you enthusiastically in their own unique ways. Before everything blurred into white, you managed to say one last word.





You woke up with tears in the corner of your eyes and your most treasured book held tightly within your grasp.

"Mom? Where are you?"

The sound of your daughter's voice echoed throughout the silent house. You wiped the tears on your eyes and put the book down on the dresser next to your bed.

"I'm coming, sweetheart"

After saying so, you stood for a good minute on your doorframe. Looking at the book with longing in your eyes, you whisper the words before finally turning away and closing the door.




"Farewell, my thirteen Guardian Angels"

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