Wish I we're Heather

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Jisoo's Pov

A lot of people told me I'm pretty, in fact a lot of them called me beautiful.

But I'm not her, Jennie Heather Kim.

I still remember 3rd of December, me in your sweater You said it looked better on me than it did you

(Flashback) - Dec. 03

"Nyeongan Jisoo-yah!" Taehyung said as he came closer to me and pulled me in to a hug.

"N-nyeongan. " I responded.

"Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"What? W-what do you mean?"

"You responded so coldly, No 'Nyeongan Tae tae' or 'Nyeongan Taehyung-ah' you know, like how you usually respond. Just tell me what's wrong please? "

"Other than the fact you let me wait here for at least 15 or more m-minutes in the cold December weather, e-everything i-is fine" I answered.

"Oh, umm, I'm sorry Chu, here take it. " he handed me his sweater.

"N-no, its fine. I already have a sweater, see? " I said as I pointed at the thin sweater I was wearing, 

Ugh, stupid, stupid past Jisoo, why would you decide to wear a thin ass sweater especially during December.

"Yeah but.... " he touch the sweater.

"... Its quite thin Chu, I don't think you can survive in this weather wearing that. "

"O-oh I will. " I snapped back

"J-just please, please take it." he handed me his sweater for the 2nd time.

"But y-you'll b-be cold"

"Its ok, here just take it, I can't stand seeing you cold while I'm here warm, plus I'll be warm when we enter school. "

I smiled at his gesture, he's so sweet.


I took his sweater and put it on, he smiled at me and I smiled back

"Wow Chu, that sweater looks beemtter on you than on me, Now come on, let's go inside. "

He grabbed my arm and we walked to the entrance of our school, if only he knew how much I liked him, 

everything was good until he stopped in his tracks.

I looked at him and looked at where his eyes were directed at.

Only if you knew how much I liked you
But I watch your eyes as she

Walks by

it was her, Jennie Kim. The girl of his dreams, I know how much he liked her. He never said anything but his actions.... His eyes, It said what he never said, it was so obvious how much he liked her while.....

I liked him.

I watched his eyes as she walked by, his eyes followed her.

What a sight for sore eyes,
Brighter than blue sky,
She's got you mesmerized

While I die

I can't blame him, she.... She was so beautiful.

She's got you so mesmerized, while I'm here dying beside you.

Why would you ever kiss me,
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave me your sweater
Its just polyester but you liked her better.

Why would he even want to kiss me, I'm not even half as pretty as her.

You gave me your sweater, but I don't care, its just some stupid polyester, I don't care, because you like her better.

Wish I we're Heather

(December 15th)

Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now i'm getting colder

Its December 15th, I'm not even sure if they we're friends or more.

He placed his arm around her shoulder, i was here from a distance getting colder.

But how could I hate her,
She's such an angel
But then again, kinda wish she we're dead
As she, Walks by

I can feel something, its like my eyes we're burning with jealousy but i can also feel tears forming on my eyes.

She was now leaving, you waved goodbye to her, She kissed your cheek and I swear I saw your face turn bright red.

What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized
While I die

Even when she was leaving your eyes followed her,

She was a sight.

She was mesmerizing you.

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater
Its just polyester
But you liked her better

The sweater. December 3rd. The sweater that you gave me, you gave to her.

why do I feel betrayed? Sad? The sweater's not mine to begin with.
Why should I even care to begin with? Its just a stupid thing that's made of polyester.

Wish I we're Heather
Oh, I wish I were Heather
Oh, oh, wish I were Heather

But I still wish I we're her and not Kim Jisoo.

I ran out of the school building and went to the stadium, there we're no people.

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester

Things flashed through my mind as tears are streaming down my face.

Why would he want to kiss me? Why would he ever wanna feel my lips?
I'm not as pretty as her, so why bother dreaming.

And that sweater, that stupid sweater out of freaking polyester
I thought that sweater was only for me....

Ugh, Jisoo.

But you like her better

Of course not. Stop assuming things can happen between me and him when all he thinks about is her.

Wish I were...

Nyeongan! This is my first ever oneshot that was inspired by a song, do you guys like it? I've been listening a lot to 'Heather' recently, Conan's amazing tbh, And also would you guys believe me if i told you all that Listening to 'Heather' actually helped me focus on doing my hw and that it actually helped me think of some answers? Listening to music doesn't really help me focus when doing hw, but wow 'Heather' did something lol. Anyways, i hope you guys liked it. K bye~~~~.

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