Eye of The Storm

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No one came to bother me after the incident in the kitchen. I honestly suspected someone to come kick the bedroom door in and carry me away to the dungeon. I was surprising pleased to realize that they planned to leave me alone. I ended up drifting off to sleep for a couple of hours but woke up to what sounded like nails on a chalk board. My eyes snapped open and searched the room quickly for anything out of place but everything was as it had been before. I relaxed back into the bed and closed my eyes again to be hit with the sounds of storm brewing outside, followed by the nails on a chalk board. 

There this one thing about me and it has been the same since I was a little girl and that is that I’m afraid of storms. I can’t say why but it has always been the case. I pulled the blanket up closer to my face and tried to ignore the fact that there was faint sounds of thunder in the distance. You are fine Lex, you are fine. There is nothing to be afraid of. A huge clash of lightening has me jumping up out of my bed and racing towards my bedroom door. 

I end up outside of my room my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Great, now what am I going to do? Back home I would sneak into my parents room and they’d always let me sleep on there floor but news flash I’m in a house full of strangers and people who don’t care about my childish fears. A clap of thunder has me running off down the hallway in a panic. I’m not really sure where I’m running to but my feet carry me. 

The house seems pretty quiet, and know thats because everyone else is reasonably asleep unlike myself who is running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. Before I realize it I’ve run down stairs into the basement and I’m standing in front of a door shifting back and forth between my feet nervously. I can tell by the scent that is hitting my nose who will be on the other side of this door. I don’t know what led me here but now that I’m standing here I feel like a complete idiot. I mean what grown adult is afraid of thunderstorms? Another loud boom of thunder has me squeaking with fright and I quickly throw the door open and slam it shut behind me. 

There is a heavy groan from inside the room, “What the hell—“ I look towards the sound of the voice and before I can give him a proper explanation there is another clap of thunder and I am charging towards his bed and jumping into without a second thought. “Lex?” His voice questions as he’s coming to from a deep slumber. I bite my lip nervously, “I—uh—“ Another thunder clap and I let out squeak. Victor is quiet for a moment and then lets out a deep sigh before I feel his arms wrap around me and pull me down so that I’m laying down flat in the bed next to him. 

My body feels like it’s buzzing with life from the electrical currents that are rushing through me from his touch. 

After a minute or so I feel a strange comfort wrap around me that I can’t quite explain. My wolf is purring inside of my head at Victors closeness. “Don’t get the wrong idea. This is the only time this is ever going to happen.” He says to me in the darkness. A part of my heart is hurt by his words but I push it away and focus on the comfort of being in his arms, “I was just about to say the same thing.” I comment back to him before I snuggle deeper into his bed. His scent is everywhere and it brings a small smile to my lips. I can hear the thunder but suddenly I don’t feel afraid anymore. I fall back asleep in no time.

When I wake up again I feel like I’ve had the best sleep in my entire life. I am completely surrounded in a comfortable warmth. I smile to myself and snuggle in deeper to the soft warmth. When I feel something tighten around my waist my eyes snap open and I find myself looking directly into a sleeping Victors face. My eyes open wider as I recall the events of last night and the fact that I had practically forced him to let me sleep with him because of the storm. I feel my cheeks heat up at his nearness and how it was making my body feel. 

I try to pull myself out of his hold hoping not to wake him up but he only tightens his hold on me and pulls me in closer. I feel my heart rate skyrocket and suddenly I’m pushing myself away from him quickly and scrambling to get out of his hold. I let out a tiny scream as I fall off the bed grabbing onto the blankets to try to keep myself up but with no luck. 

I hit the floor with a loud thud. Victor’s head pops up off the bed and looks over the edge to find me sitting on the ground looking up at him with a sheepish grin, “Good morning—“ His eyes narrow a bit but he doesn’t say anything in response to me. Before I could say anything else there was knock on his door and then it’s opening, “Hey Vic, Mikhail want everyone to—“ Gideon stops halfway through when his eyes come to rest on me. I give him a similar smile I had given to Victor only a few minutes earlier, “Uh—Good morning.” I say. 

Gideon’s eyebrow raise up in surprise and then his eyes shift to Victor who is still laying in his bed, “Care to explain this?” he asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. I speak up before Victor can supply him with an answer, “It’s not what it looks like.” The words rush out of my mouth quickly. Great, thats not suspicious at all Lex. I mean you don’t even know what it looks like. I mentally smack myself. Gideon looks back down at me on the floor and smirks a bit, “Oh? And what does it look like?” My cheeks rush with heat. 

“Leave the girl alone.” Victor says in a flat tone as he gets up out of the bed. He’s not wearing a shirt and his sweats are riding down low on his body. I feel a growl of approval echo through my head and the sound of a male snicker brings back out of my ogling to see that Gideon has caught me checking Victor out. I bite my lip and look down at the carpet in front of me my cheeks flaming hot with embarrassment. We can look. He is our— I growl at my wolf, Shut up! He is not OUR anything.  

Victor seems content to ignore that I am even in his room at all as he moves around grabbing a shirt and quickly throwing it on and covering his body from view which causes a wave of disappointment to crawl through me. To which I hear more snickering, and this time I glare up at Gideon. That makes him shut up quickly to which I smile a little. Victor turns to me finally, “I believe you know the way out. Come on Gideon let’s go.” Thats all he say to me as he moves around Gideon and leaves the room. I sit there completely stunned for a moment. 

Gideon gives me an odd look before he follows after Victor leaving me alone in the room. How could he just ignore me like that? It was like I didn’t even matter? Last night he had held me and let me sleep in his bed when he could have thrown a fit and kicked me out. I don’t understand that man. Not one bit. I push myself up off the floor feeling a wave of frustration. I clench my hands into fists at my sides. I let my eyes move around the room and a slow smirk spreads across my lips. 

“Well, I might as well enjoy myself while I’m here…” I did vow to get a little revenge if I do recall correctly. 

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