Episode 2

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I came back home at around 6 pm and fell asleep at 6:15

I didn't dream, I never dream it kinda annoying, I wish I could be one of those people who can just close their eye and see a world of a beautiful creature, I wish I could be one of these people who can fall asleep in 5 minutes and can keep a journal of their dreams... and the worst thing is that I know I dream cuz I have the feeling I did I just don't remember any of it.

after wondering a little in the dark I finally decided to get my phone out and look at the time


yah, am of course am not sleepy anymore

it takes me 2h to wake up in the morning usually but the moment I looked at my phone this waiting, excitement, anxiety, fear of failure, it came all down falling on me, 4 am on a Sunday I know you are gonna think it dumb af but they are open, I mean not a lot of people knowns it, probably even most of the people attending yesterday contest, so don't worry I won't shit on you for not knowing.

Basically, they open Friday and Saturday 24h but like you need a code to enter after 11 pm and it changes every week, it becomes a chilling spot for cool people I guess, I know people but I never attended. so yeah I know that they wouldn't call me it wouldn't be rational but I know they can do it so I guess it enough to make me shit my pants

my legs aren't working yet, they are super numb and hurt a little, I think I overdid it yesterday, lucky me yesterday I didn't forget to get out for myself a bottle full of water, before sleeping and I put my laptop on the charger near my bed instead of the one in the kitchen, life dose well her thing... proves my day is gonna be lucky



i have been looking at my phone every 5 minute since 8, cuz i feel like 8 is a more reasonable hour to call someone then 4:03, i should probably do something.

lets call Clémentine, she's probably awake, she could maybe come here to change my mind state

open my phone, dial the number, it ringing

-Clementine Martinez on the phone how can I help you today? she answered, lucky again, she really needs a second phone cuz now she takes her business call and her personal call on the same one, self-employed trouble she would tell me

- it me, I answered. come here, I need entertainment, ill feed you and give you weed

- yah ok give me 15 minutes and am here

she hanged up the phone just after. ill start the food then.

I made a super easy crepe mix and will just cook it up later, you want the recipe? just go in the author's notes. they are boomed try them. I just got enough time to open my blinds and get out some of my weed stuff that C arrived, no no, stormed in, screaming at me to get on my balcony cuz there was a cute guy in front of my apartment complex

- "hi to you too," I say to her as she takes my arm and forces me to my balcony, I get my arm out of her grip and look down at the boy, and he was indeed a beautiful fella, gorgeous even. "C I would probably have the same reaction", she looks at me w a smirk

- he's moving in right now, in one of the downstairs apartment, and he gave me his number, she said while squealing

- Woah, just like that he saw your beautiful face and just gave you his number? What's the story?

- "ok so I was walking down the street to your apartment and you know at the street w the blue light instead of the green", I nod. "ok so I went to cross it and this dumb ass pick up almost killed me like I had 0.5 seconds to react"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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