Theft and compulsions all around

Start from the beginning

The current situation was ridiculous. The investigation had taken weeks as they had been stalled and mislead at every turn, no matter that the results were clear. Gilderoy Lockhart, formerly in possession of an Order of Merlin 3rd class, was a liar and a fraud. Amelia knew his books were ridiculous, the claims in them laughable, and even a child under 11 would recognise them as fake.

In one he claimed to have punched some vampire's fangs out, making him only able to eat mushed up carrots for the rest of eternity. Ridiculous! Firstly, vampire teeth are nearly impenetrable to force and secondly, while a vampire can consume other substances other than blood most chose not to as they gain little from it. That didn't even touch upon the fact that even fewer use their fangs to drink instead of using donated blood poured in glasses.

The claims in most of the books were all as ridiculous. However, prior to the investigation Lockhart got away with it as some of the claimed feats did happen, such as a slain mountain troll that saved a village in Peru. It did happen and Lockhart was there - though now it is clear that his claim to have been the one to do the feat was a lie and he modified the memories of those around him to get away with it. Amelia, like everybody else, had simply taken his other claimed victories such as the vampire as fiction to make his books more interesting, not realising he was manipulating and mentally damaging hundreds of people.

Feeling her alarm go off, she stood and let out a sigh. Walking to her door, Amelia paused when she heard knocking coming from it. Opening it, she saw Lucius Malfoy and Sirius Black.

"Gentlemen, what can I help you with today?"

"Madam Bones, with your permission of course, we would very much like to accompany you to Hogwarts," Lucius said requested.

"In what capacity?"

"We're both parents and members of the school board. It was also us who brought the concerns to light," Sirius said, sounding strangely serious.

Amelia nodded. She didn't mind and, to be honest, she wanted to watch more of the interaction between the new Lord Black and the headmaster. "Well then, feel free to join us. We shall be leaving shortly, I just have to gather my men."

The two Lords nodded and stepped aside.

"Shacklebolt, Green, McCallion! You're with me," she called out to gain the attention of the room, happy to see the three aurors that she had picked were already ready and waiting.

Turning back to the two Lords, she said, "Follow me." as she walked to the DMLE's main floo.


Once in the headmaster's office, Sirius found his eyes automatically drawn to the portrait of Phineas. He had forgotten to talk to the matching one located in Grimmauld Place recently and realised that he should have - his ancestor probably knew most, if not all, of the old goat's plans.

"Headmaster," Madam Bones greeted professionally, if not slightly cold.

"Madam Bones, how good to see you—and of course your companions are also welcome," the man said, his voice sounding genuine. It made Sirius want to curl his lip in distaste.

"Indeed. Headmaster, I have a warrant here for the arrest of one Gilderoy Lockhart," she said, not wanting to waste time

Albus sighed and made sure to look sad. "I see. However, I am very sorry to inform you that it appears as though Mr. Lockhart has somehow managed to find his way out of Hogwarts."

Sirius allowed an eyebrow to rise. "How unfortunate."

Albus held back his snarl. "Forgive me, I do not see how he managed to accomplish this."

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