"Where is Paul?" I asked

"He's in the car waiting on us" she grabbed my hand pulling me up.

"Ok ok" I giggled "bye dad, ma" I hugged them they ran out the door and jumped in Paul's Pontiac. "Soo my loves where are we headed?"

"To bluebird." Paul said , switching lanes. "Lucky for you dolls there is and able body adult in the vehicle to get you in." He smirked. Paul graduated college two years ago. He has a great paying job as an IT. So why are we hanging out with some one older than us? Jen and Paul are cousins. He's always been protective of us. "Plus big daddy Paul provides for his hoes!" he shouted as he parked. Jen punched him in the side. "Damn yo' big ass man hands. Yo' ass could be a bouncer. That shit hurt."

I laughed as we walked to the entrance. Paul clapped hands with the bouncer and he let us in front of everyone. "Uhh Paul. How are we able to just come in here like that. Only celebrities and the super rich are allowed in here."

"Well Paul is engaged to one of the owners daughters and he does computer work for them." Jen said flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder while her green eyes roamed the crowd for a victim. They say at the bar ready to order their drinks.

"Oh. Wait why the hell am I the last to know?" I said. I flung my arm out a little too far, because I hit someone behind me and I felt cold liquid hit my side and run down my front. Turning I saw the mans button down was soaked. Forgetting that I two was wet, I grabbed napkins and started dabbing his shirt. He grabbed my fingers stopping me. I looked up in to the most gorgeous pear green eyes I have ever seen. Strong jaw covered in stubble and his hair was slicked back.

"I-I er. Sorry" I blushed, apologizing quietly. I felt the man take the napkin and gently dab the water that pooled on my chest. That caused me to gasp and pull back from him.

"It fine. Accidents happen. I'm Mark by the way." He said kissing my hand.

"Alex...er Alexandra" I smiled shyly at him.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he smiled order a rum and coke. "Well hope fully I will see you again...Alexandra" he winked and walked back into the crowd.

"That man was hot as fire!" Jen screeched. Paul was on the dance floor with his fiancé. She was a short Asian girl. She can dance, Paul on the other hand....er no.

"Let go dance boo!" Jen pulled me onto the dance floor and automaticity guys flocked to her. One pulled her away and she looked at me. I nodded that it was cool, I'd be fine. I was dancing my ass off when I felt firm hands on my hips. Looking over my shoulder I saw a gorgeous strawberry blonde. He gave me a sexy smile and started to grind his crotch into my ass. I smiled and rocked my hips to the beat. I felt another pair of hands on my waist.

Looking up I noticed I had another gorgeous guy on me. Except he was a blonde. He looked a heck of a lot like the guy behind me. I looked over my shoulder and he winked at me then fist bumped the guy in front. Leaning down he said in my ear "I'm axel and this is my twin brother Enoc".

"Oh I-Im Alexandra" I shouted over the music. They started grinding on me. I just swayed my hips to the beat. Enoc started kissing and nipping my neck. Axel smacked then squeezed my ass. Whoa this was getting heated quick. The song ended and I slid from in between the twins.

"Well um that was fun but I really should be going now." I smiled shyly. As I turned to walk away Enoc grabbed my wrist and pulled me flush against his body. He kissed my neck while holding me tightly, then he passed me to Axel. Axel pecked my lips and slapped my ass.

"Bye for now our beautiful baby." They both said at the same time. Cute. Walking around trying to find Jen and Paul, I see Jen coming out of the bathroom with the bartender. He has tats, piercings, and a skull trim. The guy had a nasty scar on his face. He slapped Jens butt and walked off.

"Jen. What the hell!" I shouted at her. She just rolled her eyes.

"What Jacob is awesome. Plus he has a special piercing that can take a girl to the moon." Eww just eww. "Listen I'm gonna text Paul. Though he's probably getting it on with his future wifey."

"TMI dude" I turned and ran into a wall of solid muscle. Rough hands caught me by my upper arm. Looking up I saw some of the hardest steel eyes. He had tattoos covering his arms and I even saw a tat peaking from under the collar of his V neck.

"S-sorry about that" I mumbled.

"It's fine beautiful. I'm Zander" he said still with possible no emotion on his face.

"I'm Alexandra" I said as he trailed a finger down my cheek.

"Well my Alexandra, I must be going. until we meet again" he nodded and walked off.

"Hot damn you fiery bitch. You are just rolling in sexy men tonight. I don't blame them, you're hot. Hell if I wasn't straight I'd fuck you." She slapped my ass. What is with people hitting me on the butt today. Paul walked up to us , with his shirt oddly buttoned , and his hair wild.

"Ok time to drop you kitty's off" he said fixing his belt. Jen wink and licked her lips at Jacob, then mouthed 'call me' as we walked out the door. "So girls did you have fun?"

"I sure did! Alex was being a pimp though and trafficking poor guys around" Jen said

"Hmm I can believe that" Paul said with a straight face right before him and Jen burst out laughing. Paul pulled into my drive way.

"Ok bye ya' porn stars" I said hoping out the car and walking up to the door.

"Bitch please we is Fabulous!" I heard Paul and Jen scream as he drove off. I was giggling until I walked in on the scene in the Living room.

Cathy was on her back with her legs wide open. My dad was thrusting hard into her while licking whipped cream off her tits. There were chocolate smeared on their bodies. I let out a scream right before I felt the bile coming up. Ew Ew Ew Eewww!! So nasty!

I ran upstairs shut my door and hurled in the toilet. That was something no child should ever have to see. I'm mentally screwed from that. I pull out my phone and call Jen. I told her what happened and I hear Paul laughing his ass off while Jen tries not to hurl. I hear a knock at my door.

"Umm Al, baby girl...a-are you alright?" my dad asked quietly through the door.

" Move Vic" I heard Cathy whisper. "Sweetie we didn't expect you back so early. How was your night out? do you wanna talk?" I made the most stank sour face ever.

"No I don't want to talk! I'm blinded by the horrific scene I just saw." I really wanna claw out my eyes "you guys are trying to play it off. Maybe I should get my own place."

"NOOO!" Cathy screeched " You will do no such thing! It natural, just sex!" Cathy shouted from the other side of the door. I guess my dad walked off embarrassed.

"Oh yes I am! I refuse to walk in on that a fourth time!!! This is the third time!!" I just don't understand why they don't do that shit behind closed doors. "And there was nothing natural about that! natural does not include whipped cream and chocolate." I heard her mumble something about strawberries in a certain place. She must have thought I didn't hear that, but ohh ho ho I did.

"Yep that's it I'm calling Jen over and going house hunting tomorrow." I pulled out my phone and told Jen to get over here ASAP.

"Oh sweetie" I heard Cathy sobbed and walked off. Minutes later Jen walked in my room.

"Whoa are you sure you should be doing this? Cathy is really hurt." She asked as she plopped down on my bed.

"I can't stay here forever Jen. It is bound to happen." I stated

"Ok fine, then how about we become roommates hmm?" she looked at me waiting.

"Sounds perfect."

Milk and Brownies (bwwm)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ