"You didn't know you could do what?" I ask in wonder. I swear, Kadyn learns to do something new every day. It's truly amazing what he can do.

He shakes his head before gulping and handing me the bag slowly. I take it in confusion wondering what his school bag has to do with anything. But he did say something happened at school so maybe that something is in the bag instead. I glance at Kadyn who refuses to look at me before I slowly unzip the bag and look inside. The moment I look inside and see what is inside it I quickly shut the bag and zip it back up. I snap my head towards Kadyn with my jaw dropped.

"Kadyn, you didn't," I say slowly as I am too shocked to really believe my little brother did what my eyes believe they saw. It's like something straight out of a fairytale book.

He nods his head as more tears fall even faster this time.

I sputter for words but I can't seem to find the right ones. I blink a few times before I get the courage to look inside the bag again. I gulp before reaching into the bag and taking it out. It is surprisingly heavy in my hand with dry leathery skin. The bumps on its back feel weird against my fingers. I'm not sure if I'm more fascinated or horrified at what my brother's done.

"Kadyn, how did this happen?" I ask slowly.

"He's a guy in my class. He's always picking on me and calling me things. Today he called me a thumbsucker for no reason," He cries out in distress.

"And? How did this happen?" I ask as I hold up the red and brown colored toad.

He stares at the toad with panic in his eyes again. "When he called me a thumbsucker I called him a toad. I swear, it just slipped out! And...and...and then I wished he were actually a toad. And then he really did turn into one!" He whimpers as he hangs his head in shame.

"Did you wish him back to normal?" I ask.

He nods his head frantically. "Yes! Of course I did! But it doesn't work,"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before looking at him again. "Did this transformation happen in front of others?"

He shakes his head. "No, it was just us in the bathroom,"

"Okay, so what happened after he turned into a toad? Did you talk to anyone?"

"No, I picked him up and shoved him into my backpack, and then I ran straight home. I didn't even contact grandpa to let him know I wasn't getting a ride,"

"Kadyn, I don't think I can help with this one. I think you need to tell dad and papa,"

He looks at me in horror as he snatches the toad out of my hands. "No!" He shouts. "You can't tell them. They won't understand!"

"Kadyn, they will understand. They already know that you can't control your gifts yet. And they'll understand that this kid was bullying you,"

"They'll get mad and be disappointed,"

"Okay, and what about the kid? Don't you think he's scared right now? And what of his family? What will they think when their son doesn't come home?"

Kadyn chews his bottom lip. "I didn't think about that,"

I nod my head in understanding. "We have to tell dad and papa so we can figure this out. Someone has to come up with some kind of story for when the kid doesn't come home. Dad will be able to find the kid's family. Wait, he is human, right?"

He nods his head. "He's human,"

"Damnit, it would have been so much easier if he was a werewolf. Oh well, can't be helped. Okay, how about you hold onto the toa- boy, and I'll call dad," I correct myself quickly. It's really difficult to imagine this toad as a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

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