Friendship Rekindled

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It had been two days since the troll incident. In a surprising turn of events, Hermione had taken the blame for it. Whilst the professors weren't happy, and probably did not believe anything that was coming out of their mouths, they let Margo go after taking away only five points. Although that was probably because she'd begun to turn an alarming combination of green and pale once the adrenaline wore off, and was rushed off to the infirmary again. The next morning, the three Gryffindors had come up and thanked her. By the way they had stood close together, and the fact that Hermione seemed to be skimming Ron's transfiguration essay on the way to class, it seemed as if they'd overcome their differences. Hopefully that meant she and Hermionr wouldn't have another tearful conversation in the bathroom.

She was released from the hospital wing after the third day, Madam Pomfrey did not want to take any more chances, and sent Margo to finish resting in Ravenclaw tower before restarting her classes the next day. That afternoon Margo was sat in the common room reading her herbology textbook in an attempt to catch up on her work when she heard someone stumble into the common room. She ignored the person, who'd most likely forgotten her books and was coming to get them before their next class, but Margo looked up as she heard sniffling.

It was Greta. The girl's eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, as if she'd been crying for quite some time. She also looked pale and had dark bags under her eyes.

"Greta..." Margo started, inching slowly towards her friend, "Greta what wrong?" The girl looked up at her for a second with a deer in the headlights expression, taking in Margo's worried face and kind hazel eyes, and promptly fled the their dormitory. And though Margo knew the girl had probably come to the tower hoping to be alone, she was skipping class afterall, Margo followed behind her. Greta might be pissed at her, but Margo was still her friend.

"I'm sorry. Merlin, I'm so sorry." Margo heard the other girl sob through the door.

"Greta, I'm going to come in, ok?" Margo spoke softly as she made her way into her dormitory. Her friend was lying on her bed, and she'd flopped on it with such sorrow she hadn't even closed the curtains. Her auburn hair, usually in neat waves, was tangled and she had her face hidden on the cushion while she mumbled apologies into it.

Margo sighed sadly, "Greta there is nothing to be sorry for, I-"

"But there is!" Greta cut her off, "I'm the worst friend to have ever walked these grounds! I'm sorry Margo. I'm so sorry." The distraught girl wouldn't look up, so Margo sat on the edge of her bed and held her shaking hand.

"Greta. Listen to me. There is nothing to be sorry for. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I am so, so happy that you are on the team. I am so excited to beat Cedric's butt when we go against them at the end of the month. We both overreacted, and we fought. Our tempers got the better of us, and a Josie very well put it we acted like spoiled prats, but that doesn't mean we can't make up. You're still my best friend Greta and I love you. You know that right? Plus I need you to get me to class on time, at this point even Sprout is going to give me detention." As Margo said this she slowly laid beside her friend and put her arms around her.

"You're not mad? Seriously?" Greta was still sniffling slightly, but tears had stopped actively running down her face.

"Greta, I wasn't mad. At first I was confused and then I was sad that I'd made you so mad you didn't want to talk to me... and then embarrassed by my actions so I took it out on others... I have quite a few apologies to make for my recent behavior." Margo's lips were pushed downwards as she got lost in her thoughts.

"I accept your apology S", Greta whispered, to which Margo smiled.

"I haven't made one yet Gerty-"

"Don't call me that!" the tall girl squaked indignantly, but Margo just chuckled and reached into her satchel pulling out a well-worn pouch, "C'mon my mom spelled in red-velvet cupcakes this morning. Accept that as my apology?"

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