Prologue - To do it all over again

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August 13th, 2037

Hyde Park had seen many people walk through its gates, through its magnificent grass, and its charming ponds. It had seen people of all shapes and sizes, from all different backgrounds stroll down its paths. But, no one who had ever sat on one of the benches at Hyde Park held quite the story as the pair that were sitting there now. A story filled with love, magic, and a good portion of heartbreak.

A man and a woman well-past their fifties looked out into the distance. The woman was petite, her brown hair sprinkled with gray specks was cut in a bob. Her mouth was lined with wrinkles, an allusion to a life full of laughter. And her hazel eyes stored within them a level of wisdom that seemed unimaginable. The man was of a similar age. His once vibrant blonde hair was also turning gray and thinning, but his blue eyes were as dazzling as ever. His angled face and poise made it obvious that in his youth he had been what one would call "a catch".

The pair stared at a group of children the eldest of which could be no more than eleven years of age.

"They'll soon be off to Hogwarts," said the woman, her eyes glistening with unshed tears at the thought of parting with the children.

"They'll be fine Margo. They are strong, smart kids.He would have loved them as much as you have. Alex is just like his grandfather, so don't worry, you'll be getting complaints from the headmaster soon enough. Merlin help poor Neville!", the man reassured his friend, giving her skinny hand a squeeze and letting out a chuckle.

The woman gave him a small smile, "I know it's just hard is all. I would cause such drama over my mother's crying at the platform yet here I am, crying, at a freaking park, three weeks before my eldest grandchild leaves for Hogwarts. He'd be laughing his ass off if he were here right now." The oldest of the children was now being chased by two wobbling toddlers, and a girl about eight years old who was throwing grass at him.

Both adults shook their heads at the sight.

"Would you have done it?" The man asked, his eyes misted over as he focused on the past rather than the present, "If you'd known everything you would have to endure? Everything you would lose-"

"Knowing everything I would gain, I would pay to do it all over again." 

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