| Part XI: The Skeleton in the Closet |

Start from the beginning

I just needed a moment. No, a second.

I needed some kind of verification-- clarification to see if the blood was really his own. So my eyes quickly adjusted to his skin, and to my surprise... there was nothing. Not a scratch or blemish. 

With raised brows and a nonplussed expression, he recoiled. It looked like it took all he had in him to appear as unhostile as possible. "Is that-- your blood on the back of your... bag..." 

I'd practically whispered this, but here he was... narrowing his gaze at me, surveying me with the slightest glare. And still, he-- "What are you doing?"

Feigned cluelessness. He pretended as though I hadn't just cracked him down, and his response was much more calmer than his last. 

Slowly blinking, he ripped his hand away from me. I then glanced to Airi and (Y/N), who both spectated. "You... you just have really nice  hands! Haha..." I awkwardly chuckled, trotting to the side.

I felt awkward standing there in between them. So before (Y/N) could part her lips to speak, I scrambled for some sort of excuse before my footsteps could be heard fleeing into the silence. Maybe I am just overanalysing things again. 

━━ 🏐 🏐 🏐 ━━

"What was that about? Why did Nana do that to you?"

I inquired, looking towards the grey-haired male. Airi had been pursuing the gyaru, as expected and Sugawara had been just as out of it as she was.

Quite frankly, it was worrisome. And it left a bit of bitterness in my tongue, as well as my brain.

Smiling towards me, Sugawara stepped closer. "I don't know. She's your friend, right? You should know her much better than I do." He eyed me, nudging.

And that he was correct... but truthfully, I hadn't a clue! "Right..." I smiled in that tense way I did when I was about to vent. 

It took a bit of effort out of me, but ultimately, I decided to ask. "Sugawara, I..."

And suddenly, my heart plummeted towards my abdomen after my eyes followed his gaze. What was this? What was going on?

"They found the body so recently, that the staff wasn't able to tell us in advance that we should stay home for the rest of the



Body! "Like a... do you mean a..." Nodding his head towards me; while his eyes remained narrowed on the officers and principal located on the opposite side of the tape, he continued.

"They haven't given the name of the student yet. Nor what happened for that matter. "

I was... stunned by the news. And the crowd was robust-- chatter filled my ears from every direction as I remained close to him, glancing around for any of my friends.

"...I wonder what happened. I hope it isn't anyone from our class."

It was strange. Not even the chaos could prevent me from picking up on the slightest sound of a chuckle. It was low, pleasing to the ears, but also... very sadistic. "It was someone from our class. Maybe he threw himself off the roof or something."

My toes curled against the bottom of my shoe as I stood in place, hesitating to look towards my boyfriend.

How would he know? No-- How could he even make such a cruel joke?
Eventually, I mustered up the courage and turned to him.

"Are you alright, Sugawara?"

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