He nodded in response. "Do you want to play though?" 

"Maybe later," I chuckled. 

"Okay," he shrugged. "Can I ask you something?" 

I nodded, looking down at him. 

"Are all of you wearing makeup? Or did you all do your hair or something?" 

"I don't know, I didn't. Why?" I laughed. 

"Cause you all are just sitting there. It feels a little weird," he scoffed. 

"They're all here to impress you, so maybe some of them are wearing makeup," I replied. 

"Are you here to impress me?" 

"No, you're not that special," I answered smugly. 

He smiled in response, running his fingers through his wet hair. After a few minutes, he spoke again. "Okay really, nobody is actually going to swim?" 

I sighed, lowering myself into the water. "Better?" 

"Much better," he smirked. 

I rolled my eyes, standing on my toes while we talked. He asked me some questions about school and family. I told him how I've traveled a little here and there because I have family who chose to leave Zariya and live in cities around the world. "I have cousins in Australia, aunts in Florida, and an uncle in London," I answered. 

"So, you've been around quite a bit." 

I nodded, tightening my ponytail. "Yeah, a bit. Only to-" 

"Evelyn!" I looked over, spotting Chloe calling me. 

"Don't go," he mumbled. 

I rolled my eyes, walking over to her, swimming when my feet couldn't touch the ground anymore. "Yes?" 

"What foundation do you have on?" 

"Excuse me?" 

"Your makeup isn't coming off in the pool?" 

"Oh, I don't have any on," I replied, chuckling. 

"Huh," she said. 

"Is that what you called me for?" 

She nodded. 

I sighed, shaking my head and walking back over to Archer. 

"Waste of time?" 

"Yes," I scoffed. We both stood against the wall in silence while the girls chatted amongst themselves. I spotted Lucas doing his job but he was coming over and was going to work around us. I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"Take a dunk," Archer said. "Go under." 


"Do you have a better idea, Evelyn?" he deadpanned. 

"Yes." I turned around, my back in the direction Lucas was. I gave Archer a pointed look and he chuckled, shaking his head. I put my arms on the edge and put my chin on my arms. "I can't believe I have to be here for a month and avoid him," I mumbled. 

"You'll be fine," he nodded. "I can fire him if that's better?" 

"No," I said quickly, standing straight. "It'll get really tough for him, don't do that. Please," I whispered. 

"You still care about him?" 

"I was with him for over a year. I can't help it," I mumbled. 

"Fine, I won't fire him," he agreed. "But if I catch him doing something like what he tried doing last night..." 

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