Part 5: odd coincidence

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(Written by Alastair and Luna. Cris helped with cuteness)

I wake up to the sun setting and I chuckle at how terrible of an idea it was to stay awake through my whole flight here. I get off the bed and look at my clothes seeing the comfortable clothing I wore for the flight. I should probably change into something more fitting, I head to the lounge area and find my suitcase as I lay it on the coach and open it grabbing a white button up and some black dress pants.

I head to the bathroom and get changed as I look in the mirror after and raise an eyebrow at my hair getting longer then normal. I should get a hair cut when I have the chance. I head back through to the lounge area and grab my hairbrush as I brush my hair. It has practically zero impact on my messy hair as I chuckle slightly and look to the clock over the kitchen area. There is even a kitchen area. What the hell. I can't even cook though so I guess I'm heading to the hotel's restaurant.

I grab my gloves out of my suitcase as I put them on and fit them close to my hands before leaving the room and skipping slightly down the steps. I see some people looking at me as they leave their rooms and I just pretend to not see them. I'm used to the stares and whispers, my eyes naturally did that when I was little and I always had it as a young musical child after all.

I get to the ground floor and I walk over to the reception as the woman smiles at me, "what can I do for you sir?" She says as I notice she's visibly checking me out and I laugh nervously. "I was wondering if I could get a table at the restaurant but forgot to phone in earlier as I fell asleep," I say as she laughs softly, I try and keep my my awkwardness out of this as she looks at the register and smiles at me again.

"You're practically our esteemed guest Sawamura, so if you want a table you can have one whenever you want," she says as she looks at her book again. "Though I don't know if you want a table right now. We have other special guests here for them preparing for the finals tomorrow," I laugh a bit at her words as I see a little girl run towards the restaurant and then stop and turn to me.

"Sawamura!" She shrieks as she runs up to me and I crouch to look at Tami. "I think I'll be fine sitting in now if you don't mind," I say to the receptionist as she nods and slides a piece of paper over the counter. I take it and see the table number and a phone number under it.

I pick up Tami as I put the paper in my pocket and she giggles as I walk into the restaurant. The majority of the team I remember from seidou are there while Tami is laughing, "papa and dad never seem to notice when I disappear," she says as I laugh a bit at her and keep a hold of her. "Aw, don't say that Tami, you probably worry them to the bone," I say as she laughs a bit more and I walk over to the team.

Ryōsuke notices me as he stands up, "wasn't expecting to find you here as well Sawamura. Seems Tami likes you though..." he says as the whole team looks to me holding Tami as I smile nervously. "She found me, kind of saved me from the receptionist as well," I say as Tami starts singing quietly a couple of the lyrics I sung earlier.

I smile at her as she smiles back and I put her down. "Let me guess. She gave you her number," kuramochi says as I nod and roll my eyes before walking over to a separate table and looking through the menu set on the table. A waiter comes over to my table as I constantly feel the team looking over to me as I tap a tune to myself.

"What would you like to order sir?" He asks as he bows and I smile slightly at the man. "Hm, I wouldn't mind just a salad for the time being. And maybe a strawberry frozen yogurt," I say as I look to Tami who is perked up and looking at me surprised as I gesture her over.

"She's been eyeing the strawberry frozen yogurt since she got back," I say as the waiter smiles a bit and walks off again. I turn to the team again as Tami comes over and gestures to be picked up and I put her on my lap.

"So you guys got to the finals I heard. Rather surprising due to the fact your ace constantly tries to win with brute force," I say as I catch familiar brown eyes looking over at me. "You still pitch Sawamura?" Miyuki asks as my body tenses slightly and I pull my shirts sleeves further down in reflex. "I never pitched... your memory is proving wrong, mr catcher," I flinch at my own words as Tami holds onto my left hand. I didn't mean to call him that, I guess old habits die hard.

"I can recall perfectly well little prodigy," Miyuki says as the rest of the team remains silent probably knowing we had some history. "You know what. Yes, I do still pitch," I say as I feel the rest look at me as I close my eyes.

"Though it's a rare occasion when I do, I'm almost always busy with something," I say with my eyes likely reflecting the hurt in my eyes as I pick up Tami and stand up before putting her down in the other seat. The waiter comes back with both of the things i ordered and put them down as i hand Tami a spoon and the frozen yogurt before i start eating the small bowl of salad.

she somehow gets the frozen yogurt on her nose and over her mouth as I grab a napkin and kneel beside her before cleaning her face. "How did you manage this?" I say while laughing a bit and she smiles.

I hear the team were talking about strategies after mine and Miyuki's earlier discussion but seems Miyuki isn't focused on planning. As I look over to the table and see him staring at me. I pick up Tami as I walk over to their long table and sit with them as I see the team they are playing. I snap my fingers in front of Miyuki's face with Tami laughing a bit. "If you're playing this team then Miyuki needs to stop staring at people and think of a strategy," I say as the whole table tries to hide snickers as Miyuki just starts saying some ideas.

I pick up Tami under her arms and she jumps a bit at the action as she giggles a bit. She's possibly two by what I can tell but she is pretty big and smart so I can't be certain. The team stops game plans at put all their strategy books away as they just start talking and order themselves drinks while Tami just stays on my lap, falling asleep.

Ryōsuke comes over and smiles at her over my shoulder as he picks her up and keeps her close. "Thank you Sawamura, she rarely sleeps this easily.. probably inherited it from one of us," he laughs a bit as Tami clings to him as he bounces her slightly.

"Is she.. is she biologically both of yours?" I ask as Ryōsuke nods and I smile at that as he walks off with Tami. Probably going to go put her to bed.

I yawn a bit as I end up with a drink in front of me and I raise an eyebrow at it questioningly as Miyuki snickers at me. I pick up the glass and take a sip, I don't really drink but one glass can't hurt.


I end up finishing the glas and somehow my head ended up on someone's shoulder as they lean their head on mine. "I don't really drink," I say as I hear the majority of the team laugh a bit. "I think we can tell, you're practically passed out on Miyuki," kuramochi says as I feel a slight smile on my face. "Meeting you all here was some coincidence," I say as I feel myself drift into sleep.

Miyuki Pov

I really messed up three years ago, I could have kept this golden eyes angel but instead I was stupid and thought that with him travelling all the time it would be better for someone in the music world to be with him.

How stupid..

*whistles*, that was a lot of writing in the time of less then 12 hours.. (this was written earlier) hope this story at least is enjoyable for a few people.

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