Xiao - Missing Info Pt.1

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*This contains spoilers for the Archon Quest: The Last Archon. I recommend playing the quest before reading. I have warned you. It spoils the first part of the quest.*

Mornings were never your thing. It didn't make this morning any different. Returning from your visit to Qingce Village, you decided to stay the previous night at Wangshu inn. Tomorrow was a full moon and you had wanted to hurry back to Liyue. Though, you had to finish your task at Sal Flore before you returned. Your room had the best view of the moon and the starry night. After having a fulfilling breakfast, you decided to take some almond tofu to the balcony to enjoy the dessert.

"I could never get tired of this view." You smiled as you took a spoon full of tofu into your mouth. You leaned over the railing while overlooking the calm terrain of Liyue. Feeling another presence on the balcony, you spoke out. "What does it take to get a moment of peace and relaxation?" You sighed, thinking it was, yet again, a Fatui member. Since the person stayed silent, you turned with almond tofu in hand. You were surprised to see a taller male with dark hair and curious aqua highlights.

"And you are?" Raising your eyebrows, your (H/C) hair blew softly in the wind. Without speaking, the male looked at the almond tofu in your hand with an expressionless face. After a few moments, he shook his head and turned from you.

"Hey! Did you not hear me? I ask who you were!" Your voice raised an octave, but the male kept walking until he disappeared into a teal fire. "Weird kid." You shook your head as you finished the rest of your almond tofu.

Thanking Smiley Yanxiao for the delicious food, you headed towards Sal Flore. There, you had to collect some business for the Tianquan. Reaching the area, there was no one to be seen. Instead, a few hilichurls noticed you. Trying to ignore them, you walked towards the sealed domain of the salt god. As you got closer to the seal, you heard the hilichurls yell, thunder and rain accompanying it. You turned just in time to see one raise its club at you.

Pulling out your Lóngjiàn (Dragon sword in Chinese [Traditional]), you charged it up with (P/VSN) and lunged at the hilichurls. Your graceful movements were as if you were dancing among them. Parrying a club while hitting another with your vision, you were soon overwhelmed. Even if you did have lots of stamina and power, you were human. After fighting off the hilichurls, the rain poured down harsher with lighting streaking across the sky.

Just when you thought it was over, a stonehide lawachurl came running at you. Trying to use the last of your energy to repel him, all that came out was a small portion of your vision. Dark spots blurred your slight as you caught a glimpse of teal highlights. Legs giving out, you expected to hit the stone of the salt god domain. Instead, warm, lean arms supported you as the cold rain hit your (S/C) skin. A soft voice called out to you, but it died down with the roaring thunder. Slowly closing your eyes, you heard your name being called.

. . .

You awoke in your room at the Wangshu Inn. The rain had stopped and the sun was just setting, creating a warm light through the window. Sitting up slowly, you realized you had changed clothes. Now, you were wearing a white hanfu with teal, green, and purple accents. Your hair had long dried and had been let down, making it spread all around you. Looking towards the small table at the side, you saw your beloved hairpin. The (P/VSN) orb shone dimly in the sunlight.

After finishing reorganizing your hair, you stepped out of the room. Heading down to the reception, you saw Verr Goldet working diligently at the counter. "Miss Goldet, what had happened?" Looking at the female before you, she raised her head and signalled towards the balcony.

"Xiao, our introvert Adeptus, had brought you back from the rain. You had passed out. I had changed your clothes and I have yours drying in your bathroom." The lady smiled fondly at you.

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