2. Ugly Ratatouille

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[Candy Floss' POV]

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" we both screamed.

While I was shocked to meet a stranger in an unknown world, the odd girl stood up and pointed her strange red cylinder object directly at me, her eyes filled with fear and anger as she stared at me.


"Wait.. y-you.. Can see me..?"

I stuttered surprised at how another person can finally acknowledge my presence.

"Well duh! I'm not blind you- you.. YOU UGLY RATATOUILLE!" she yelled, while waving her red sword at me.

"U-Ugly what?"

"Ugh!! Just stop stammering and tell me who you freaking are!"

"Umm.. to be honest.. no one's actually asked me that question before.." I told, having this strange weird feeling inside that there's someone who's really and truly asking about me.

"So you're nameless?" she asked, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Well actually I was given a tag known as bgc553 but I prefer to call myself as Sweet Fluffy Candy Floss" I explained while giving a short smile.

"I- what?! that's not a name!" she exclaimed as she swung her red sword, "Sheesh.. what kind of person names their kid bgc553 or whatever Sweet Candy Fluffy Floss"

"Uhh bgc stands for back ground character and it's actually Sweet Fluffy Candy Floss" I corrected her while still being terrified by her unknown red weapon, "A-And c-can y-you please put down your sword or whatever weapon you're holding.."

"My what?" she questioned until she looked over to her weapon held in her hand, "Do you mean my fire extinguisher?"

"Firee.. what?"

"A fire extinguisher dummy!" she rolled her eyes as she finally put down her fire weapon onto the ground and walked towards me while examining me curiously.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I asked.

"Seeing if you're from the mental hospital, a weird unknown circus or either that you're an alien" she said when she finally stopped observing me but instead stood in front of me, only being a few inches apart.

"Mysterious eyes" she whispered, as she stared at me.

"U-Umm what are.. you doing?" I gulped, blinking rapidly.

"Huh? Uhh.. Nothing!" she told while stepping away from me, "A.. how did you even get in my apartment?!"

"Um.. I don't remember but I guess I may have come from there.." I replied, pointing to her huge thin black box.

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