*I don't care*

58 10 35

"You want me to...what? What do you want me to do, beautiful?", he gently pushes my chin up with his thumb. Our eyes meet and I bite my lip.

"I want...you", I tell him as my hand grabs his. Our fingers intertwine. "You", I repeat hoping that he will understand.

"I love you so much", he whispers before his lips place a kiss on my forehead. "Are you sure?"

"Yes", I nod. "Are you sure? Do you want to? Is it like the right time umm...", my heart is pounding.

Stop talking, Chloe!

"The right time? Hmm, let me check my watch", he chuckles as he looks at his bare wrist.

"Stop", I playfully whine in an attempt to stop his teasing.

His look turns soft. "I am very sure", he says brushing through my hair, "...are you that unaware of how my body reacts to yours?"

"No...", I say with a shy smile.

"There you go then", he smiles back.

"I want to say something", I quickly add and he instantly takes his hands away. "I have these...umm...on my thighs I have stretch marks. Puberty and all that umm...I just wanted to warn you about-"

"Warn me about something that is completely normal?" his eyebrows furrow in worry.

"I mean, the girls you've been with probably didn't have-", I stop myself. I shouldn't be bringing up the girls from his past right now.

Henry shakes his head slowly. "Can I see?" he asks. His voice is low, barely a whisper as his eyes meet mine.

"Mhm, ye-yeah...umm", I nod and push my sweatpants down. I shuffle around and throw them over the edge of the bed, so they would fall on the ground. I grab the hem of my t-shirt and focus on his face wanting to see his reaction as reveal my thighs. I can't, because he moves down the mattress instead.

He gently places his hand over mine and pushes the fabric of the oversized t-shirt up, exposing my thighs and underwear.

"There. Oh, you found them", I breath out as he starts to place little pecks all over my skin. I notice that he is smiling about my comment. The open mouthed kiss placed right next to my hipbone makes my skin form into goosebumps.

"You are beautiful", he looks up at me. "You are perfect...just the way you are. Okay? I love you...I love these....I love every single part of you...every single inch", he smiles and brushes his lips over my thigh. Hot flashes seem to spread all over my body.

My fingers brush through his curls. "I love you. You know that, right? Am I telling you that often enough? I am so in love with you" I tell him with a smile.

Henry shakes his head and looks at me. He pushes himself up again. " Just joking. Yes, you do and you're doing something that is even better. You're showing it to me...constantly...", he says right before we kiss. "I love you too, angel."

My burning lips find his and I sit up so I could kneel on the bed. Henry does the same and I find myself chuckling.

"Sorry, It's just...I don't know, I'm really happy."

He smirks as I let my hand wonder over his bare chest. I stop right in the middle and trace a heart shape over his skin with my index finger. I then place both my hands on his shoulders and pull myself slightly up. Henry understands and grips the hem of my t-shirt, undressing me and throwing it next to the sweatpants.

His eyes roam over my body and I suddenly regret that I was wearing a white cotton sports bra.

It doesn't even match with my underwear, I should have-

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