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"it doesn't really bother me so much..."

yunho was currently enjoying his daily coffee with san a few days later, the other boy still dressed in his apron which was always spotted with coffee stains.

yunho had known san for three years now, since he opened the store. right from the first time he visited aurora to get his morning coffee, he and san hit it off. san was the sweetest boy he had ever met. he was a little immature and super naive but he was innocent and always saw the very best in everyone, which was a characteristic yunho admired.

he didn't really know what he would do without san. he was there for him the whole time after the accident and at that point he hadn't even known yunho for long. but that was just the kind of person san was, he wanted nothing more than to see people smile.

about half way through their coffee - which san always made perfectly - san mentioned the new visitor outside eden. he wasn't malicious; san didn't have that capability. he simply asked if many customers had commented on the guy and told him he didn't want it to impact on yunho's business.

"...yeah, I mean, a few people have mentioned him, but you know how people are"

"I feel sorry for him" san whispered sadly, "he can't be much older than us..." he trailed off.

"I was thinking the same thing"

"do you think he's dangerous?"

at this point, both men turned to look in the guy's direction, and there he was, still clutching his cup desperately.

"he doesn't look dangerous" yunho spoke, "and what kind of dangerous man chooses to live outside a flower shop?"

"that's true" and then san changed the subject and began to speak excitedly about his new boyfriend, wooyoung - a frequent topic these days.

yunho had never seen san so happy: it was still early days for the new couple but yunho had met wooyoung a few times in aurora and he seemed lovely. they were enamored by each other already, and admittedly part of him envied them. he got so lonely at times and he craved what they had already.

"...and we're going to for a walk in the park this evening. he said he has something to tell me.. what do you think it could be? argh I'm so excited but sooo nervous. what am I gonna do?"

san kept talking about wooyoung, who undoubtedly by tonight would officially be san's boyfriend, but yunho just couldn't seem to concentrate. he just couldn't stop thinking about the boy outside his shop.

honestly, every time yunho saw him his heart broke a little inside. he hadn't had chance to get a proper look at the boy yet but something he had noticed about him was his smile. he was always smiling. always. and it pained yunho in a way he couldn't understand.

"yunho?" came san's voice, releasing him from his train of thought, "I said what am I gonna do? come ooon, what am I supposed to say if it's something serious?"

yunho swallowed the last of his coffee before he spoke, "I'm sure everything will be fine, sannie"

"you can't leave now!" san whined, "you need to help me!"

"sorry san, the flowers need me" he chuckled as he pushed his chair back under and headed towards the door, leaving san pouting at the table.

as he walked the very short distance between aurora and eden, yunho tried not to look in the guy's direction - but to no avail, and the two made eye contact for the first time.

the boy had amazing deep brown eyes and wonderfully chiselled features; sharp, but he had a softness about him all the same. and he did what he seemed to always do: smile. and what a great smile he had. he smiled like his situation was irrelevant to him, like he still found something to be genuinely happy about.

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