Part II

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The girl with long black tentacles managed to stick the landing into the trees, though she braced for a rough landing. As expected, the treetops gave away to her, and she felt herself toss and turn as the leaves and branches jumbled her about. She didn't utter a word as she hit the ground, but that mattered not since she was just glad to be alive. Looking to the side of herself, she could see that she had a weapon by her side, a sword. This was Ika Ono, a girl of very few words.

And she'd come from a world that once relied on trait magic to be saved from a villain.


The two kids that had aimed for the trees also had a rough landing, being tossed around like squid salad. There was a boy and a girl, and both had faced rougher things before. After several minutes of getting whacked in the face with branches and leaves, they finally landed on solid ground. After struggling to get up from their body aching, both had a look around. They also checked to see if they were armed.

The boy had a strange device in his hand, with rectangular gemstones on it that glowed in the color of the rainbow. He technically had his turf weapon on him, but he forgot where he put it. His smile was bright though, and he'd shaken off the impact like it was nothing upon landing. This was Goggles, though not the everyday Goggles you knew. This one was different, and the hero that had saved his world from his sanitized friends.

The girl had been training at the time of the portal opening, so she'd brought her hero dualies with her on the fall. Her hero suit was on as well, so she couldn't really change to casual clothing. As she got up and brushed herself off, she looked at her companion to make sure he was okay. After seeing no major sustained injuries (it wasn't like squids had bones anyway), she let out a sigh of relief. This was Yon, a female Agent 4.

Both squids came from a world where named Agents 3, 4, and 8 interacted with other characters, and while they were not directly based on the realm of Splats, they were certainly influenced, so that was why they were here.


The girl carrying the squid managed to land on a short building just on the outskirts of Inkopolis. Once she landed, she retracted her wings into her body...somehow, and set the squid down. The squid morphed into a humanoid firefly inkling girl with red ink and black patterns on her...but these two were no normal people. This was Dev and Valentina, a Shadowling and Skyling respectively. However, Dev was not the Shadowling species that many knew from the story of Night. She was her own species, and followed different rules.

But both girls were also entirely unaware of a third member that had somehow managed to sneak on board and land with them. They'd come from a different portal, but to ensure that they lived, they did their best to "air swim" over to the two and cling on. Despite not being directly related to the other two, a sun yellow squid stumbled out looking rather confused. He wore a Phoenix Necklace, and held a light saber in his hand. This was their world's Emperor, but it seemed that his version of Prince was nowhere to be found.

They all hailed from a world where witches still existed, creatures like Waterlings lived as waterproof humanoids, and elements were passed down to the next generation as a way to stop villains.


The other kid with wings managed to land safely onto the ground, as she didn't want to land by a bunch of plants. The girl was an Ashwing, meaning a Pyroling and Skyling combined. Being a Pyroling meant her ink was boiling hot, but she also happened to have unrelated pyrokinesis as well. She just had to watch her usage, because overuse of her fire power could cause her to get dizzy. This was Kala, and she didn't have one of her friends, Silver, with her at the moment.

She hailed from a world where her life was entwined with that of another's realm. One where Skylings nearly took over an area of land...but were reformed after their tyrannical Queen, Calliope, was exposed by a bunch of teenagers and dethroned.

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