New Friend

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You giggle a bit. The Saiki family were so welcoming and loving. You felt really warm and fuzzy inside, you craved for it even more.

Kurumi picks up the plates and says, "All right, L/N-kun, go up to Ku's room and have some fun." 

You raise your eyebrows and shake your head. "N-Not ye-yet. I wa-want to hel-help o-out." Kurumi chuckles. She nods her head and goes to the sink in the kitchen to do dishes.

After a while of cleaning, all that was left was drying the plates and putting them back. "Ku-Kurumi-san, you c-can go to be-bed n-now. I-I'll do th-this," you offer. Kurumi smiles  and shakes her head.

"You are an angel! But, I can't allow you to do that, you are a guest here. Go enjoy yourself while your still young!" She declines. She pushed you lightly towards the stairs.

You knocked on Saiki's door and saw it open instantly. You flinch- well- jump backwards and let out a small squeek. "Come in," you heard Saiki say. You nod and quietly walked into his room.

"U-Uhm- Saiki-san, I-I can sleep on the f-floor instead. I-I can even sleep on the cou-couch d-downstairs, if yo-you want. Y-You'll catch a co-cold i-if you sl-sleep do-down th-there."

You turn to face Saiki. "No. Mom will kill me if you don't sleep on my bed," he said. "B-But, I'm wo-worried a-about you ge-getting a cold," you tried to protest.

"No. Go to bed."

"Bu-but. At lea-least come up h-here a-and sleep ne-next to me," you say. Saiki sighs and gets up from the floor.

He knew that the only way to make you go to bed was to sleep next to you. He gets into bed, and you scooted inside to make more space for him.

You could feel the heat emmit from him. It was the warmth that you've always been craving. Soon after, darkness engulfs you.

The next morning you woke up, you felt arms wrapped around your waist. You turn around and your face meets Saiki's. He was still asleep. He looked very peaceful. You continue to stare at him.

Suddenly, his eyes flutter open. "L/N-san. Why are you staring at me while I'm asleep?" He asks. You flinch a bit and stutter out, "I-I ju-just got up! I-I did-didn't mean t-to st-stare!" Your face heats up and cover your face. You hear Saiki sigh and felt him get up.

"It's fine," he says. "A-Also, wh-why were y-you hug-hugging me?" You ask. Saiki looks at you in the eye and answers with, "You were crying in your sleep. So I tried to comfort you."

You nodded and your face heats up even more. You felt bad for being a nuisance to him. "S-Sorry fo-for bei-being a nui-nuisance," you apologise. You start tearing up.

"Good grief. Why're you tearing up? It's no big deal."

Tears spill onto your soft cheeks. "Mo-mom does-doesn't li-like it wh-when I am being a-a nu-nuisance." you tell him. Saiki's eyebrows raise. He walks up to you and pats your shoulder.

"It's okay. I feel like you've been through a lot."

(Kusuo's PoV)

How much has he been through?

This makes me want to protect him.

What is he doing to me? Was it the coffee jelly he made? Probably not.

Why am I feeling this?

(Reader's PoV)

We walked to school together. It was silent. Not the awkward silence though, it was comfortable. As we neared the school, we hear a voice behind us. We turn around and see a boy with blue hair. He seemed to be the same height as me.

"Guys! Do you-" Kaidou gets cut off by another voice. It was a lot deeper than his. It belonged to a guy with a very noticable butt chin. "Hey pal! Wanna get ramen later? I know a good place!" the male says.

Saiki shook his head and continued to walk. You follow him. "Who- who are th-they?" You ask pointing to the males behind you both. "No one important," he replies.

You nod your head a enter school grounds. As both of you walked to the classroom, you hear voices growing behind you.

"Teruhashi-san! You look stunning as always!" "The angel arrived!"

You turn around and see Teruhashi walking towards you. "L/N, have you seen Saiki-kun?" She asks you gently. Way too gently to be honest. You knew something was lurking behind the gentleness of that voice.

"U-Uh. He-" you look around for Saiki, but he was no where to be seen. Huh. Where could have he gone?

You look at Teruhashi again and say, "H-He wa-was here a se-second ago."

Teruhashi smiles gently at you. "It's fine. I need to go now, bye!"

As she walked away, you continued your journey to the classroom.

(Timeskip to lunch)

You walked to the lunchroom since you didn't pack lunch. You go and line up to go and get your food.

The queue was long. Like really really long. You had just realised on how many people there were in the cafeteria. Your chest started to hurt like crazy and you felt like you couldn't breathe, so much that you felt like you were about to pass out.

You felt like you were about to die.

You fall to your knees as the loud laughter and voices become muffled. You gasping for air. Desperately trying to make the pain go away. Tears start to fall tream down your soft cheeks.

A slighly larger hand grabs your shoulder. You turn around and see the blue haired boy from earlier crouching down. You look around a see a bunch of people surrounding you both. "Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?" he asked. You nodded your head and whispered, "Please bring me to Saiki."

The bluenette wraps an arm around your waist and stood up. You both walk slowly to the rooftop.

"Uhm. My name's Kaido Shun. Don't worry, you don't have to talk, I already know your name. Your in my class right?" He asked. You nodded your head and put your head on his shoulder.

Kaido blushed. He's never gotten this close to a person that was so, very beautiful. (A/N you are beautiful, don't ever deny that!) "Uhm. So, do you want to be my friend?" Kaido asked you. You look at him and let out a small smile.

Because of that, Kaido's face turned even more red.

𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁 - Saiki K. various x Male!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora