Chapter 17

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: UrbanQueen

Tyrel walked into Lance’s house and saw nothing but chaos. He inched in carefully. He hadn’t seen Lance in a couple of days. In fact, he hadn’t seen Lance since the club incident.

Tyrel was worried about Lance. Tyrel used the spare key that Lance gave him the day of his date with Claudia. Lance gave him the keys in case Claudia didn’t want the date to end so soon. Lance knew Tyrel would never take it that far but Lance gave him the keys anyway, just in case.

Lance hadn’t been to work nor called in since the club incident. Tyrel was worried because they had a big gig installing equipment for one of their major clients. Lance never missed an opportunity to make class money and now he was a no show.

Tyrel began to wonder if allowing Lance to even start this venture with was a mistake that was coming back to bite both of them in the ass. Lance was really infatuated with Claudia, even though he never met her.

Tyrel had played Lance’s game once too many and know he needed to tell Lance to get his act together. They were about to lose money because of it and that was something Tyrel wasn’t about to stand for. This was a job he was good at and made good money from. He didn’t have to resolve to hustling to make his ends meet and he finally had a beautiful lady he could settle down with a baby on the way. Tyrel was not about to let the depression of his boss and his boss’ pathetic love life interfere with his future.

Tyrel stepped inside Lance’s house with a goal. He was going to straighten up Lance whether Lance wanted it or not.

Tyrel opened the front door of Lance’s house and saw what looked like an earthquake had hit it. Items tossed around, mirrors broken, chairs turned over and clothes tossed all over the floor like the Tasmanian Devil went spinning around the room.

“Lance! Lance!” Tyrel yelled almost frightened to go further in the house. “Lance, are you in here?”

Tyrel walked further in stepping on glass. Tyrel had been through many ordeals on the street and even in prison but Lance’s house looked like the real gates of hell. Tyrel actually was spooked for a second.

Tyrel considered stopping and just turning around.

No, Tyrel thought to himself, I have to snap this nigga out of this funk.

Tyrel yelled Lance’s name again and was only answered back with eerie silence. Tyrel started to think maybe something happened to Lance. Maybe he should call the police.

Tyrel was about to reach for his cell phone in his pocket when he heard a noise.

“Lance?” he questioned feeling a lump in his throat.

Tyrel walked towards the noise. It was coming from the bathroom. Tyrel felt like he needed a weapon or something. He saw a broom that was lying on the floor and picked it up. It was better than nothing.

He approached the bathroom with caution, broom clutched tightly in his hands. The door was cracked ajar and Tyrel couldn’t see much from the access it was given.

“Lance?” Tyrel said again and he heard noise again.

“Buddy?” Tyrel was nervous as hell all of a sudden.

Tyrel pushed the door more but slowly. Tyrel had been though shootouts, knife fights and prison showers but for the first time in his life, he actually was scared of what he might see behind this door.

Tyrel inched the door more and saw Lance. Well, the back of Lance. Lance was staring in a crack mirror above the bathroom sink. Lance’s back was towards the door. Tyrel could see Lance’s hands which were bleeding. Tyrel could also see the piece of glass Lance was still holding in one hand.

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