"I'm amy" I don't really wanna tell you my last name ect but i might tell you my story on how i got here am not looking to get close to someone nor am i looking for a friend am just looking for someone to talk to ok harry?."

"Okay amy." Before I can stop myself I say it. 

"So why are you here Whats your story?"

"Well amy, that is a long story filled with sighs." 

"Scott Pilgrim?" 

"Yeah. That was a quote." he says to me

"I know." I snap at him annoyed I didn't mean to snap at him i just couldn't help it.

"Okay then. Why are you here?" 

"Because my mom hates me and something but i can't tell you cause you won't understand and you'll just think am crazy I know you will." I don't know why I'm telling him this. He just comesw in here thinking were going to best friends and am going to let him in and tell him everything just like that. decides to share my room I shouldn't be telling him my story. 

He should i mean it is far since he just got here and i've been here longer than him i wanna know why hes here in the first place.

"Oh." He says and I don't reply. We are still for awhile. Neither of us talking 

"Well, welcome to the asylum, where everyone is insane."

after that everything was silent again evertime i asked him how he got here he want silent maybe he doesn't wanna talk about it i guess i sohlud just give him time then.

as the sun starts to go down i look over to harry to see if hes still awake but to my surpise hes sound asleep i didn't even noitce him nor see him lay down.

1 hour has passed it is 6:47 everyone is now locked up in there rooms around this time the the hallways are now silent and dark 

am trying to say awake because the minute i fall alseep i might have a nightmare or see the shadows and if i scream that might wake harry up and he might see them wait can he them? oh thats right am the only one who can so if he sees me screaming at nothing hes going to think i've lost it.

as it starts to get dark in the room i turn on the lamp and pull out my dairy notebook thats still new hasn't been used yet i really don't know what to put in here what if someone reads it and they think am crazy. Well i guess all start now better now then never huh? 

how do i even start this off hey this is amy or dear dairy type of shit 

Journoral entry 

page 1, 1939 april 10th 

this is the first time i've ever writen in here i have alot to say but don't know how to write it. alot has happend in my insane life haha see what i did there so were do i begin.

i guess i should tell you about the nightmares i have and the horrible things i see so you have a better understanding of it all. 

I haven't really seen anything since the day harry come here am not questioning it or his weird behavior of not waiting wanting to tell me how he got he but am questioning it i know what hes going though being alone everyone thinking your crazy scared of being judged by the ones you love if you tell them i know if only he knew am here.

its been tolong since i've seen the shadows and hear the voices screaming my name calling me into the night why do they want my soul why do they keep coming back for me i need to know even if it drives me to my insanity i can't tell harry anything untell am sure i can trust him. 

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