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Izuku's POV

I was walking down an old creepy tunnel. I went this way because I was hoping that I would find another fight. 

Seeing a hero really would be a flip on this horrible day.

Kachan just went to far this time. What would he do if I actually killed my self?

As I was thinking to myself I saw a shadow rise above me. I ran as fast as I could when I saw it but it caught me.

The thing seemed to be made of green liquid. The green blob was suffocating me. I tried clawing at my mouth to get him off but my fingers just went write threw him.

 "No use kid, I'm completely made of liquid. I would be easier for both of us if you didn't move so much."

I screamed my lungs out hoping someone would hear me.

 Aizawa's POV

I was on patrol when I heard a scream. I immediately ran towards the sound but when I got to the sight I froze in fear...

My son was being attacked by a villain and he looked pail and weak. I felt a few tears in my eyes.

I immediately wiped the tears away and ran up to the villain and tried punching him but my hand went write threw. 

 "Ha! Pathetic hero!" 

 "Let him go!" I screamed at the top of my lungs punching him in the eye. 

When I punched him in the eye he split up into a million pieces.

I immediately ran over to my son who was pailer then ever and could barely keep his eyes open.

"Izuku sweatheart stay with me!"

 Izuku passed out and after I called an ambulance faster than the flash.


I was paising the floor waiting for the doctors to come back out. 

As I was paising I saw a door open. 

"Mr. Aizawa?"

I turned to the nurse immediately.

"Is he ok!?"

The doctor looked down as a tear slid down her face.

"I'm sorry for your loss..."

The nurse left the room. I didn't know what to say. I just stood there in shock. After a couple minutes of standing there I fell to my knees and broke into to tears. I didn't know what I would do...Izuku was my everything...


He guys! Thanks for reading my trash! So I was thinking about making a few original books. I just want to know if you guys would read those. That's all for now! Bye bye!

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