chapter 1

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Y/n p.o.v

As I was laying in bed taking a nap I hear my mom scream from downstairs asking me to get to the door as someone kept banging on the door "ugh fine hang on." I walked downstairs and opened the door but no one was there "hello?" I say again but nothing till I hear the sound of an owl, I looked down to see a white owl holding a letter in its mouth. I bend down to take the letter and as I take the letter the owl fly's away.

"Hey, mom what's Hogwarts?" I say as I'm looking down with a wax-sealed letter and bold letters that spell 'HOGWARTS'. My mom comes out of the kitchen with her eyes wide open "give it to me" she says as she grabs it from my hands, she aggressively opens the letter and starts reading. when she's done she comes over and hugs me tightly "mum what is this all about?" I ask confused.

"Honey take a seat," she says and she sits me down on the couch "now that you're older it's time to tell you about the wizarding world" "excuse me?!" I say confused "now that your 16 years old you're old enough to know, I'm a wizard and so is everyone else in our family including you" I'm baffled by what she just said "um what?! that makes no sense" " I know it makes no sense now but it will as the days go on," she thinks about something for a minute "hang on."

She comes back with a wand in her hand, she closes her eyes takes a deep breath then says "expecto patronum" then here comes a bunny rabbit as it starts jumping everywhere then vanishes. My eyes are wide and my mouth is basically to the floor, she starts laughing then sits down next to me "okay what the fuck was that and how did you do that?!" I have so many questions that need to be answered ASAP.

She starts giggling "all in good time but right now we need to go to Diagon Alley to get your school supplies for this year" *skip to when you are getting your school supplies* "okay lastly I need to get my wand and what pet I want to take to school with me" "I'll go get your pet you go get your wand, what pet would you like?" "um, what are my options?" I ask "a cat, toad, rat, and an owl" "um let's go with an owl" "okay I'll be right back," mum says as she walks away.

I walk into 'Ollivanders wand shop' and I'm greeted by an old man with crazy hair "why hello there young lady what can I do for you?" he asks "um I'm here to get my wand" "ah the first-timer, I'll give you a couple to try and you can tell me how they are." After 5 wands I was starting to think if any of these fit me, but after one that was gold and pink with roses going along it the whole shop lit up "looks like you found your wand" he said with a smile.

After I come out of the shop I see my mom standing right outside the doors with a white owl beside her "so how did it go?" she said, I pull out my wan for her to look at it "awe it beautiful dear" she says as she hands it back to me. " also here's your owl, her name is Amy" "she's so pretty" I say "so are you ready to go back home?" my mom asks "yeah I'm pretty tired" "okay" she says as we start to go home.

Author's note: Hey everyone hopes you guy's enjoyed chapter 1 and can stay for more to come :)) there will be some grammar errors cause I'm not that good but I will try my best! Y/n will be going to school in the next chapter and will run into a certain someone.

Y/N X Fred X DracoWhere stories live. Discover now