"Hey, What did he want?" Wanda said giving me a face Octavia widen my eyes "No. No not that face" Octavia whined She smiled and rolled her eyes "Meet me in the library" She mocked Jonah Octavia laughed and then looked at her "Regulus still hasn't forgiven me" Octavia stated she Groaned "We're back to that"

"Why do you care so much I thought you hated him" Wanda said throwing her hands up in the air "My mom will kill me!" Octavia Shouted making some kids look at her "Haven't you heard a girl shout before!"

"She Made me promise her i would get close to Black." Octavia whined Making Wanda groaned again Octavia couldn't help herself she needed to get close to him or else it'll be hell for her

"Well, if you ask me you need a distraction from Star-boy" said Wanda looking at her books "Well, I will because Jonah asked me— Well demanded I go to the library" Octavia expressed as she began to look back at the moment she had with Jonah "You should enjoy that time maybe he'll find interest in you" Wanda suggested Octavia shrugged "Even if he does there something in the way" Said Octavia frowning Wanda frown along with Octavia and pulled her into a hug "I Have a positive feeling that this will go great!" Wanda Cheered Octavia had no other choice than you break into laughter Her friend could make her laugh in the darkest moments

"Your even lucky I'm helping you ,Now please focus!" Octavia was stressed Jonah had not focus on any of the things she had said Jonah looked at her with a bored expression "Why are you grumpy?" Jonah asked unbothered Octavia face filled with rage but she calmed down "You know what? I'm Tired, I'm so tired" Wanda Dragged out trying not to scream or shout "We're done with this." Octavia said grabbing her books and heading out of the Library

She walked so quickly trying to get to her dorm and trying not to exploded she never had these type of panic attacks she was tired she couldn't take it anymore all the pressure from her parents, Needing to get married at a young age, expecting to be good at everything, she didn't make it to her dorm.

instead she made it to a lonely corridor where there was no one or nothing she pushed herself onto the wall and sat down she sigh and wiped her tears "Oh, god I damaged by book" She whispered noticing there were some crying stains on her book her head leaned back to wall

Now that she had a good cry she felt Numb. Her senses were brought back when she heard footsteps near her she snapped her head at the person in front of her she scoffed "It's you."

Regulus sat down next to her "It's okay to cry." Regulus stated before looking ahead

Octavia looked at him "I shouldn't have said what i said But i only said it because i was stressed i mean all of this is Crazy!" Octavia exclaimed Regulus nodded "I forgave you earlier, and of course you going to be stressed i mean who wouldn't" Regulus replied "I don't think your a lost cause i just think you need to find your place" Octavia explained Which made Regulus furrowed his eyebrows Octavia caught this and frown "No one has ever showed you affection huh?" She asked titling her head Regulus looked away from her Octavia sigh "You need to start showing affection" She stated chuckling a bit

"What difference does it make?" Regulus rolled his eyes "You might find someone who gives it back" Octavia proceeded Regulus rolled his eyes again "Don't do that your eyes might get stuck" Octavia mocked him Regulus let himself laugh a bit before shaking his head "Well nice talk, but we really need to get going" Said Regulus standing up

"You see you don't let yourself get close because you think they'll abandon you" said Octavia following his movements "Last time i got close someone did abandon me." Regulus snapped Finally looking into her eyes she frown but only pulled him into a hug she felt him tense "I won't abandon you" She let go and picked up her books and exit the empty corridor "it's not we're getting married or anything" Octavia yelled

She arrived at her dorm only to see Wanda in her bed Octavia gasped "What the hell?! your lucky we have our own dorm because i could've woken up other people" Octavia whined Wanda rolled her eyes "How was it?" Wanda asked Octavia face was filled with confusion Wanda groaned "Jonah." Wanda finally said

"Oh, him he was jerk." Octavia said putting her books down and taking of her ropes and shirt "What did he do? Because I could make him pay." Wanda said threatening Octavia chuckled putting on her shorts and Black Shirt "Don't worry" Octavia said climbing onto her bed and laying down "How could i not your my best friend" Wanda said chuckling a bit Octavia smiled before closing her eyes "And your mine." Wanda smiled to herself before pulling the covers onto her friend

Wanda climbed into her bed and turned off little light and going into a peaceful sleep

I'm so very sorry that i didn't upload in ages i just lost motivation to write this story but now im back better than ever and i just wan to say that im so proud of myself for the last writing i did the Regulus and Octavia moment Plus the Octavia and Wanda moment is just Amazing!



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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