The Dark and Moon

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++++______++++______++++ The moon and dark

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++++______++++______++++ The moon and dark

Starring ' Anya Taylor-Joy' As Octavia stone ]


Starring 'Timothée Chalamet' As Regulus Black

Octavia Stone was a great Slytherin She was ambitious , Cunning all those and more but behind all that was a Beautiful smart girl

Or as a certain boy likes to call it 'One Of Kind '

"You know you remind me of the Dark"

"You remind me of the Moon"

"You See, always together"

Octavia loved her family but she always question did they loved her back? Sure they would spend time with her and care for her but did they really care? She has been asking that question for over 2 years and she has never had an answer

But as 5th year starts roaming around her family fell into some deep secrets she feels ashamed of something she never taught had to happen this is why she had to pay the price

of arrange marriage with someone she never wanted to associate with

that someone is Regulus Black

So she asks again

Does her family really love her? She was thrown like A piece of Garbage the only thing left to say is

"Fine, Mother but I'm doing this for our family and our Legacy as you like to call it"  Octavia spoke "There's my girl I promise baby, this will help us more than you ever know" Charlotte Stone spoke up Charlotte Stone , Octavia's mother she was beautiful and she always talked about her Hogwarts years all the boys falling for her until she met Nicholas Stone She was the only to fall for him and time fast and they spend more time with each other and eventually fell in love

"Okay mother i believe in you" Octavia smiled Maybe this won't be so bad? She thought

And that night Octavia Stone went to sleep not knowing was mess she had gotten herself in

"But Mother I can do something else" Regulus spoke up he most certainly didn't want to get married at a young age he wanted to live and have fun

"Regulus i will not speak of it again you will get married whether you like it or not and the marriage will happen in your 7th year" Regulus mother argued Regulus sighed and gave up trying to fight his mother "Mother if i agree to this It's because i cannot win against you" Regulus spoke which made His mother cracked a smirk "Your right regulus off you go" She said putting her hands on his shoulder

And that night Regulus Black went to sleep not knowing what mess he had gotten himself in


The Dark and moon ; Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now