the little neko

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Momo's pov

While on the way back to the dorms I decided to take the long way home on the way I started to hear mewing with curiositie I followed it to a box with writing on it saying free neko I looked in it to see a small neko with green hair and tail the small neko was a sleep I could tell the neko was a boy his clothes were rag's he looked melneris my heart was at aww then I heard his little snores and then I decided to keep him the dorms allowed pet's so I know it's ok when I moved the box a bit I saw more writing it was the word deku so that must be his name I picked the box up and went to the dorms when I got there I was immediately swored by the rest of the girls who just awed at the little neko.

Mina-"he is so cute where did you get him"

Momo-"I found him in this box in the alley way I'm going to keep him"

Ochako-"can I pet him"

All the other girl's-"me too"


All of the girls started petting him gently so he doesn't wake up.

Jiro-"so what's his name"


Just then I saw bakugo walked up to us and yelled.


Just then the little neko woke up and the all the girls glared bakugo and they were angery in the end aisawa had to break the fight up between bakugo and the girls.

Aisawa-"every one to your room's now and momo take the neko with you"

We all did what aisawa said and went to are room's when I got to my room I set the box down then I realized this neko must be hungry so I used my quirk to create a cat bowl and some cat food and that neko went to town on that food and soon fell asleep.

Momo-"so cute"

It was getting late so I decided to go to bed before that I kissed him on his forehead and went to bed.

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