The dating project

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"So what are we doing today?" He asked the two who were sitting at the front. Ten turned around smirking at him mischievously 'Oh no' Doyoung thought 'What the fuck is he up to now'

"Well we're just going to a café" Ten sung, moving from staring at Doyoung to looking at Taeyong suspiciously, there's definitely something more to it...

"And?" Doyoung said, encouraging the younger to keep going.

"And Taeyong and I thought-"

"That was only you, don't drag me into this" The eldest interrupted, Ten rolled his eyes and continued.

"I thought, why don't we help you set up the dates, y'know... since you haven't gone on one since Jaehyun... three years ago" Doyoung shrugged, it didn't actually seem that bad, originally he'd wanted this to go more formal, he doesn't expect a romance to come out of it, but now he kinda just wanted to have fun.


"Really?!" Both Taeyong and Ten shouted, making Doyound jump in his seat and Taeyong almost crash.

"OMFG! What the hell! It's not even that big of a deal" Doyoung said clutching his chest, trying to calm himself down after a near death experience.

"What do you mean it's not a big deal? We've been trying to send you on dates for ages now" Taeyong says lowkey admitting he did contribute to Ten's ideas.

"I had a reason to say no to all of them," He replied.


"Too serious"


"Too close to Jaehyun" 


"Has literally been dating Hoseok since highschool" 

"Oh yeah right, oops" 

"Did you listen to their mixtapes?" Taeyong interrupts.

"Yeah they're pretty good" Doyoung replies, nodding his head. 

"ANYWAYS, you went from THAT to letting us set you up in 5 dates, or more depending if you get to remember or not, one of them being Jaehyun, the reason you've been scared of dating again in the first place" Doyoung rolled his eyes at his friends, he wasn't 'scared' of dating... was he? NO! he was just more careful, like you should be.

"I think I'm more open to the idea now" He shrugs, "And it's not like im gonna end up with one of them, the purpose of this is to remember, not find myself a boyfriend" 

"but if it happens?" 

"but if it happens i'm not opposed to the idea... I guess" Ten smiled excitedly, this was progress... even if it took three years.

"Our Doie isn't gonna be the only single one in our group anymore!" He exclaimed, hitting Taeyong on the arm, causing him to almost crash again. 

"Omg, you HAVE to stop doing that, also WHAT?! you guys finally got together?" Ten nods his head furiously, while Taeyong just flushes and adjusts himself.

"I don't know what liquid courage he had yesterday but he finally confessed, he was so red, you HAD to see him!" Ten told Doyoung as if they were gossiping, both of them smiling excitedly like teenage girls.

"We're here" Taeyong interrupted the pair, reminding them that yes, he was in fact still in the car.

Once they got out of the car, Doyoung saw his best friends holding hands, making his heart squeeze, it was so cute to finally see them together, he had to sit through almost 3 years of pining but it had all been worth it. 

Welcome to my playground || Kim DoyoungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin